hungary in new york: our dinner at andre’s
Like the good little bloggers that we are, we’ve been conducting strenuous research surrounding our upcoming jaunt through Eastern Europe. Mainly, this has involved a lot of procrastinating via Google Image searches and trying to name all the Czech beers we want to drink. Last night, we took our mission to the streets of New York in search of some true blue Hungarian food.
To clarify: we walked about 50 feet from our apartments and met at Andre’s Cafe on 85th & 2nd to research what, exactly, Hungarian food involves. It turns out: we’re, like, really into Hungarian food. Let’s review, shall we?
The wine.
Cool label? Check. Interesting name? Check. A fancy crest reminiscent of knights in shining armor and fancy castle parties? Check and Check.
Until recently, we didn’t think of Hungary as a go-to country for wine–or any country in Eastern Europe, for that matter. We had kind of resigned ourselves to tw0 weeks of beer guzzling, and we can’t say we were disappointed. But then! Lo and behold, we started reading more and more about Hungarian wine and perhaps, just like in Switzerland, we would be pleasantly surprised? We can now say that if our wine experiences are anything like the bottle we enjoyed last night then yes! This will be the case.
Also, per Sarah from Wake Up Mona, we should instead say, “igen igen igen igen!” instead of yes. Do I sense a summer catchphrase?
The decor.
New York in February is just the meanest place on earth. Everyone is cold and cranky and you constantly feel like you’re coming down with something. We turn into total curmudgeons, and nothing can warm our angry, angry hearts.
Except, that is, for exposed brick and copper piping and silly little tchotchkes adorning the walls! Perfection!
The Paprika.
We’re not quite sure what we were expecting when we sat down for our meal, but its safe to say that the end game was not what we imagined. Our first course was… well, we’re not entirely sure of the name but it was something Hungarian that meant “crepe with chicken paprikash” and it was AB-SO-LUTLEY delicious. The flavor that we couldn’t quite put our fingers on, according to our Hungarian-born waitress? Paprika! The wino’s entree, layered potatoes with sausage and eggs (like, yum) was also sprinkled with hints of paprika. Though we’re not well versed enough to say if this is truly a Hungarian palate, we are big enough foodies to highly recommend the paprika-laced dishes at Andre’s.
Chicken paprikash-filled crepe, yes please.
The wino’s layered potatoes. #nomnoms
In retrospect, having typed “Paprikash” more than once in this post, we’re now seeing why paprika may have been the prominent spice involved. Hmm.
Final verdict: the New York version of Hungarian food is absolutely delicious. Show us what you got, Budapest.
the romantic & the wino

Forest Parks
I’m gearing up to potentially move to Budapest for a while but honestly I know very little about it! Just seems like a cool place with cool history. I can’t wait to start eating there!
Forest Parks recently posted..Elephants Are People Too
Lazy Travelers
ooh very cool! everything we’ve read makes it sound like an amazing city, and we can at least assure you that the food is delicious. let us know if you end up moving there!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Wan Fauzi
amazing city and more food.. i want chicken paprikash-filled crepe… I can’t wait…
Wan Fauzi recently posted..Definisi Akhlak dan Tabiat Manusia
Lazy Travelers
ooh are you going to buda, too?? we’re pretty sure we’re going to live on their crepes. SO good.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @ilivetotravel
very interesting ladies!! never thought about hungarian food OR wine.. intrigued.. very intrigued. Swiss wine was a revelation.. let’s see what Hungary has for us!
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..My 10 Favourite Cocktails – #FriFotos
Lazy Travelers
we will be sure to test all the wine in the land so that we can report back after a proper sample size has been tested.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @ilivetotravel
Pola (@jettingaround)
Lucky you! There was a nice Hungarian restaurant in Chicago, but it was converted into an American-Italian one (like we don’t have enough of those already?). That crepe with the sauce looks awesome!
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..San Francisco Ferry Building and Marketplace: Gourmet central
Lazy Travelers
we’re definitely lucky it’s soo close to our apartments!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @ilivetotravel
this suddenly makes me SO hungry. go on with your puns…
lola recently posted..The Great Escape – Verbier, Switzerland Edition
Lazy Travelers
we can’t help ourselves.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @ilivetotravel
Traveling Ted
I am never surprised to find good wine anywhere. Never underestimate the will of people to make concoctions that get you drunk with whatever they can find that is available. After awhile, they will perfect the concoction so travel bloggers can come, drink, and be surprised. Except for me, as I said at the beginning, I am never surprised.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Birkebeiner training: Wisconsin winter photo essay
Lazy Travelers
oh man ted, you’re so worldly. teach us your ways.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @ilivetotravel