a little announcement…
Hey, hi, hello! SO… we’ve been keeping a secret around LT HQ, and now I have a little announcement to make. And I mean little in the most literal sense of the word. Like, this secret started as a speck! A tiny poppy seed!
But, now that we’re just under 6 months away from the expected beginning of our next adventure, I thought it was about time to loop you in.
Any guesses?
OUI! As of today, I am officially 17 weeks (+/- a few days) pregnant! Lazy baby is on board!
We’ve been slowly sharing the news with our friends & families, so I figured I’m finally well-equipped enough to round up some of the most common questions we’ve been fielding. May I present:
the #lazybaby FAQs!
When are you due? // Late January 2016
Boy or girl?! // We’re going to wait and see when he or she arrives! Maternal instinct is giving me no clues, though I’ve had plenty of super weird dreams about both. The hubs changes his mind daily, or depending on how confused he is by the umbilical cord during our scans.
Do you miss wine? // Let’s talk after I watch the wino drink all the rioja during #LTespana this week, but currently? Not even a little! It’s weird and blasphemous, but also! Convenient.
Will the baby be British? // Alas, we’ll be bringing another American expat into this world. We were hopeful when we read this because we weren’t sure what’s considered “settled,” but our current visas have a time limit, so nope. We’re planning to be in London indefinitely, however, so hopefully the baby — and we! — will eventually qualify for dual citizenship!
This also means that of the four of us, Parker will continue to be the only one with a European passport.
Sounds about right.
This post felt like it needed pics, so here’s one of us looking like infants in our New York apartment circa 2009.
(where are Parker’s eyebrows? …where are my eyebrows?!)
Will he/she have a British accent?! // If the baby pops out speaking AND has a British accent, then JACKPOT. Otherwise, only time will tell.
Good thing you got all that traveling out of the way! // This is my favorite reaction! Jokes, I hate this non-question.
Our travel style will change, obviously, but so will evvvverything else. While it’s impossible to know how we’ll feel after baby arrives, we do know that we both think it’s important to start traveling at an early age. We’re very, very serious about introducing flying and exploring and trying new things from the start, so, as of now, that’s the plan!
Either way, I’ll continue to share all of our travels & adventures here, baby & all.
Are you going on a babymoon? // My life is a babymoon. No, we’re not going on a babymoon, because 1. I think they’re stupid and 2. we have a lot of trips planned before I’m not allowed to fly anymore!
After #LTespana, we’re going away for our anniversary in September, and I can’t wait to celebrate five years of marriage & adventure with this guy:
I’ll get into our other upcoming travels as things continue to fall into place. My last planned pre-baby trip, however, is for Friendsgiving (location has been decided and we can’t wait to share!!!!), so if you want to call a weekend of best friend bonding time our actual babymoon, then sure! We’re having a bender of a babymoon!
And this is the last time you’ll read the word “babymoon” in any of my posts.
Is Parker excited? // Thrilled. This is him when we told him he was going to be a big brother:
That’s also his reaction when we say or do anything other than open up the refrigerator, though, so we’re not taking it personally. We’re also, honestly, not even sure he’ll notice a third person has moved in come January…
Though I’m very, very new to this, I am excited to share the small ways that pregnancy has affected my travel experiences thus far. Namely, did you know that a food tour of an open-air market is, um, challenging whilst in the first trimester?
FIRST, however, I have some of Spain to explore with the wino! Keep tabs on us on Instagram, and we promise to report back soon!
the romantic

Lance | Trips By Lance
That’s awesome! Congrats to you both. It will be an adventure, for sure, one with ups and downs but lots of fun. Like, I can barely type right now because my right pinky won’t work after my son forcing me to throw a baseball and play a five-hour wiffle ball game yesterday. I haven’t thrown a baseball in 20 years, but it’s the joy of parenthood. And you look great! I remember my wife with those smells. There was a soap I wasn’t allowed to use because it made her sick. Good luck with that.
Lance | Trips By Lance recently posted..Father-Son St. Louis Baseball Weekend
Lazy Travelers
yes, my insane sense of smell has been like a superpower i never, ever wanted. and if this baby is a sports nut, i’ll be sure to call NOT IT on the 5-hour wiffle ball games…
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
OH. MY. GOD! Congrats! The first lazy baby of the Lazy Travelers… I’m so excited for you guys!
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..Friday Five
Lazy Travelers
thank you!! we’re soo excited! and napa can still be kid-friendly, right?!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
I am SO excited about my little Brit-American-Lazy-Baby and delighted to be able to be close to you and support you in any way that I can. Many congratulations to you and the Hubs once again. I am going to be the best Portuguese aunt the Lazy Baby will EVER have, and that is a promise!
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..A luxury holiday at the Coco Bodhu Hithi in the Maldives @sovereignluxury
Lazy Travelers
DEAL. but you have to wait at least a few years before teaching the baby about gin. it’s my only stipulation.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Huge congratulations to you both! Very exciting news!!
Catherine recently posted..Cocktails at The Mandarin Oriental, Paris.
Lazy Travelers
thank you so much! xo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Such happy news! Congratulations. I know you will rock this next adventure like you have all your others up to now! XO
Lola recently posted..Boston Bacon and Beer Festival 2015
Lazy Travelers
thanks, lola! we’re thrilled 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
So very happy for you! That top pic of you is adorable- you look amazing! Can’t wait to follow the adventures of lazy baby too 🙂
Heather recently posted..weekend wanderlust | seven.
Lazy Travelers
thank you so much, heather!! xoxo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Christopher Hill
Huge congratulations! So exciting!
Lazy Travelers
thanks, chris!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Congrats! very exciting!! And don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t travel with a baby/kids. It’s no harder that every day life with them lol
Sharon recently posted..Our Mega Guide to Things to Do in Paris with Kids
Lazy Travelers
hahaha that’s what i would think! love having parents with lots of family travel experience under their belts weigh in 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
I’m so excited for you both!! Enjoy this time as it goes so fast.
Lazy Travelers
thank you!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Congratulations! I’m already looking forward to the travelling-with-baby lolz that are sure to be ahead!
Sometime Traveller
Laura recently posted..Little Venice, London
Lazy Travelers
thank you!! i’m looking forward to that, too 😉
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Uncle Don & Aunt Elin
We are proud godparents and look forward to being proud great-godparents.
Since we will be seeing you soon I guess we will be the first from across the pond to come see the baby bump.
Lazy Travelers
can’t wait until you’re here! xoxo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a little announcement…
Kris T
Congratulations to you both on your expected new little traveler. I started ready your blog after I had breast cancer as something to help with the recovery. I ended up going to Italy and then a second time with a stopover in Paris. You both inspired me in all your side trips and out of the way places. Good luck to your all in your careers, friendships, travels and now the new edition.
Lazy Travelers
thank you so much, kris, what a sweet comment! we hope you’re feeling better & recovery was successful. keep us posted on your travels!! xo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: winter getaway to ibiza