a perfect day in st. thomas
It’s that time of year when I wonder why I’m not a winter traveler–especially the type that goes somewhere tropical every January or February. I don’t mean to be a downer, but this is just the worst time of the year. All the excitement of crisper weather and the holidays are behind us and now it’s just cold and gray and dark and bleak and waah
Just let me feel sorry for myself, ok?
And while I do it, I’m going to daydream that I’m back in St. Thomas, drinking rum & gingers on a sailboat and hopping from beach to beach.
My advice? Stay somewhere with a view like this (not that I’d recommend everyone go and sleep on a sailboat for five days, because once was more than enough for me):
Go snorkeling.
Explore other nearby islands… even if only to see views like this, from Water Island:
Spend time on less crowded beaches. We preferred Little Cinnamon.
And when you’ve had enough beach lounging, rum drinking, and sunscreen slathering, take some time to enjoy the local town.
So… who wants to go somewhere tropical this weekend? And can you please take me?
the romantic

Oh hi, I know that place.
the lazy travelers
oh hi. it’s hard to tell if you are facing up or down in the snorkeling picture because you are bald. xoxoxo