a weekend in the country
As expected, a weekend escape to the country was everything I needed after a hectic week.
First rule of thumb for mini getaways?
All the best mini-road trips start with the scenic route:
I’m a sucker for a bridge with a view, and every time we drive over the Tappan Zee, I have a serious urge to come back when the leaves are changing. Imagine this with fall colors:
We arrived in Shohola after the sun went down, and stopped at the Pinehurt Country Lodge, second year running. Should you venture to this hotspot, keep in mind that the kitchen closes at 9:30 and there is a 98% chance that the lodge is haunted. Statistics determined by me, and I got a B- in AP Stat in high school, so take that for what it’s worth.
This was our view during dinner (we arrived at 9:07 PM):
We skipped the broiled salmon and the broiled tilapia and instead took advantage of their salad bar & French onion soup that, per the waitress, is soo good that sometimes she takes it home and then brings it back the next morning. She didn’t explain if she eats what she takes home or just sits next to it and smells it before bringing it back, but we tried not to think about it too much. She changed topics quickly anyway and asked us if she smelled like garlic. Still, she was no Stacey, and for that we were grateful.
After a low key night, we woke up bright and early for breakfast on the porch, followed by market hopping of the flea and farmer varieties.
Along with a bottle of local wine for later that night, my favorite purchase of the day was a $1 vintage globe. Though there’s no copyright date, we were able to narrow it down to the 70/80s based on Zaire and East and West Germany.
By the time we got back to the house, it had warmed up enough to strap on our water shoes and head down to the “crick.” I’d like to point out that though the homeowners affectionately call this a “crick,” I put it in the category of “Raging River of Death,” as there are rapids and I have mystery cuts and bruises all over my legs and feet.
We spent the afternoon splashing around, beers in hand, followed by a waterside barbecue, mid-day naps, and movie watching. Perfection.
As always, we staved off our Sunday depression by extending our trip as long as possible, with a stop at the Warwick Winery for lunch and a bottle of their famous hard cider.
The Winery is ALSO good for people watching! Personal favorite? We sat in front of a shabbily dressed clown who made a small child a machine gun out of balloons. It was… something.
But still, worth it.
Our little country weekend was capped off back in the city, with pinkberry and pug snuggling on the couch. And here we are: back at Monday. Sigh.
the romantic
I’m not one to get homesick, but I have to say this looks super relaxing. I miss cricks and farmer markets!
the lazy travelers
it was so relaxing! exactly the mini-getaway we needed.
the Hubs
I also came away with some mystery bruises… what happened in that river?
the lazy travelers
hahaha i don’t know but i’m glad i’m not the only one.
D.J. - The World of Deej
Anytime a weekend involves a farmers market, hiking by a stream, and hard cider, it’s going to be a good one:)
the lazy travelers
wholeheartedly agree!
I totally agree with Deej. Looks/sounds like a perfect weekend!
the lazy travelers
it was soo relaxing, but as always, it went way too fast!
Leah Travels (@L_e_a_h)
Yeah, so I wasn’t hungry until I read your post. I want those pizzas right now. Sounds like a great time, and I’m jealous of that globe find. I collect them. Lucky!
the lazy travelers
i seriously can’t believe it was only $1. unless maybe i’m jaded by nyc prices?
The World Wanderer
I love your pictures and the globe you picked up too! Sounds like the perfect little getaway. 🙂
the lazy travelers
it makes me wish we had the space to keep more globes, but for now this one will do 🙂
The World Wanderer
Haha, I have the same “problem.”
Traveling Ted
That is quite an odd comment about the French Onion Soup. I hope she did not serve you the portion she brought back. Hope you got a fresh cup.
You can’t beat a globe. I can stare at them for hours.
the lazy travelers
if the four of us go out to dinner, there’s pretty much a 100% chance we’ll have a weird waitress experience.
Jetting Around (@jettingaround)
I should have been warned before clicking that you shouldn’t read the post on an empty stomach. The strawberries, the jars of goodies, mmm…. Great photos! It seems like you had a great time. I love weekend getaways like that. 🙂
the lazy travelers
i’m definitely still craving the pizza from the winery.