the romantic’s year full of thanks
This weekend brought the first of many Thanksgiving dinners, and it was the perfect way to give thanks and kick off the holiday season. There was wine and food and shots that you had to take without using your hands and a passed out hostess on the couch (yes, yours truly).
As it’s the reason for the season, I’ve been looking back on 2012 and feeling pretty grateful–and very, very lucky. SO, what better way to give my thanks than via blog post?
This year, I’m grateful for…
The New York Giants
HA, I know, right? So unexpected. But, if you recall, these guys earned themselves a trip to the Super Bowl in February, thus earning ME an extra day in Paris. There’s nothing like a winter escape to Paris, and I can now tell you, there’s nothing like watching American football in an Irish-themed pub in Paris at 3 AM with three men from Mexico and two drunk 19 year old Parisians with no idea how the rules work (we got along swimmingly).
The best travel partners a girl could have.
I don’t know how it happened, but I seriously lucked out in the travel buddy department. What did I do to get so many partners in crime?
There’s this girl:
This guy:
And these two:
That is some serious compatibility right there.
Booze cruises
I’m not sure why it took me 26 years to go on a proper booze cruise, but it did. Well, unless you count the Staten Island Ferry… which, come to think of it, you totally should. Either way, shame on me, but good on you, 2012, for adding TWO booze cruises into the mix this year. There was the infamous Costa Rican boat full of mammaries, and then there was this:
Yes, a 90’s themed booze cruise around Manhattan featuring a band called “Uncle Jesse.” Um, what?!? Really, I knew it would be perfection when I saw their logo:
GUYS. Hair icons! It’s like they’re the Official Band of The Lazy Travelers or something.
Because duh.
Our fellow bloggers.
When we started this, it wasn’t even on our radar that we would get to meet so many amazing people. We also didn’t realize how awkward it would be to tell our friends and family that we had plans with people we met on Twitter. But, whatever, back to the new friends:
We’ve had drinks with Stars on the Ceiling and Amy Hit the Atmosphere
Brunch with Mrs O. Around the World, Kelley Ferro, Foodie International, Butterfly Diary (and baby!), Stay Adventurous, The World Wanderer, and Walks of Italy
And a rodeo with Leah Travels, Lola Travels, and I Live to Travel!
Soo basically, I’m one lucky lady–and this list of thanks is just the tip of the iceberg.
the romantic

Love it ladies! Also, on that 90’s nostalgia concert note, you may want to keep that theme going throughout the December 14th weekend: behold, an ugly holiday sweater, SALT N’ PEPA concert on Saturday, December 15th. I will be there. With bells on. On my ugly sweater. Do it!
No but seriously, great post and I am thankful for meeting you too 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
AmySho recently posted..Why Travelers Were Likely To Fare Better in NYC’s Blackout
Lazy Travelers
BAHAHA omg, this looks amazing. we have a christmas party that night or else we would be right there next to you, jingle belled ugly sweater and all.
(drinks post-thanksgiving are a must, for real for real).
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the wino’s year full of thanks
Leah Travels (@L_e_a_h)
I hate that I missed the NYC meet up! How much fun. See you in January though. 😉
Leah Travels (@L_e_a_h) recently posted..Three Things I’ll Miss about Prague
Lazy Travelers
YAYAYAY! we probably need to start planning/discussing that…
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the wino’s year full of thanks