an announcement! (yes! another one!)
In a week full of exciting announcements for The Lazy Travelers, we have one more for our readers and fellow bloggers. In honor of our upcoming trip to Switzerland (which happens to be the very first trip abroad that we’ve taken together since launching this little blog), we’re hosting our first ever contest!
Do you want to see the romantic yodeling through the Alps? Or perhaps you’d like to see how many pictures of the wino we can capture in her mink hat? (Yes, she has a mink hat). Is there a hostel where you want us to sleep, or a restaurant you want us to try? You tell us what you want us to do throughout our five days in Switzerland, we’ll pick our favorite, and afterwards, regale you with the hilarious stories that are bound to ensue. Not to mention, we’ll be sending YOU a souvenir from our trip. And we have good taste.
Step 1. Post a travel tip or recommendation on our Facebook wall, making sure to “Like” our Facebook page (we’re not quite sure why you haven’t already)
Step 2. Tweet your Facebook post to us using the hashtag #LTSwissTips.
Step 3. Wait with baited breath until December 1, when we announce our winning tip.
Step 4. Enjoy a delicious Swiss surprise courtesy of The Lazy Travelers.
Doesn’t that sound fun? And super easy. Contest starts…NOW.
the romantic & the wino

Raul (@ilivetotravel)
Neat concept! You will have a blast in Switzerland. Or bust.
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..International Atlanta – A Food Story
Lazy Travelers
thanks raul! excited to look into your restaurant recommendations…
Lazy Travelers recently posted..why knowing another language makes you the most attractive person in the room (and other petite lessons)
Leah Travels
Please don’t destroy Switzerland before I have a chance to get there.
Leah Travels recently posted..Revealed: The Italian Itinerary
Lazy Travelers
we make no promises.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous)
tip: open a bank account… why: forget paypal, it is too cool to just say – just wire it to my swiss bank account, I’ll send you my number.
stay adventurous, Craig
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous) recently posted..Fall Foliage – Glimmerglass State Park in New York’s Catskills
Traveling Ted
I think the Lazy Travelers should climb the Matterhorn: well, at least take a picture of it.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Adventure travel bars are never hard to find
Pola (@jettingaround)
I smell trouble. Have a blast, chicas!! 😉
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..Photo of the Week: San Francisco rooftops
Kieu ~ GQ trippin
Y’all can yodel? I have to see this – yodel while wearing the mink hat!
Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..Seeing Prague on Segway
Lazy Travelers
well, “can” and “will” are very different.
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