au revoir, mes amis! (except not really)
This is it, little travelers! Bags are packed, pug papers are in order, and a car is reserved to pick us and our overstuffed suitcases up when we arrive at Charles De Gaulle tomorrow morning. We’re moving to France!
As you can imagine, it’s been an insane week–the kind of insanity that only moving can provide, with the extra special layer of waiting for a visa from an office full of very, very cranky crankpants. But, never fear, visas are (FINALLY) here.
Still, it won’t officially feel real until we’re in our new-to-us little cottage in our new-to-us little village, but this morning was the first time I have excitement butterflies and not nervous butterflies, so I’m thinking this is a good sign.
This little house might be responsible for some of the good butterflies.
As I’m typing this, the pug is snoozing as pugly close to me as possible, so I think he knows something is afoot, too. And, as you’re reading this, hopefully we are in the airport and the pug is still pugly close to me.
See you on the other side, homies.
x’s & o’s & bisous to you! the romantic

Anita Mac
It’s finally here! Love your new home as an expat! Looks wonderful. Bisous to you, the hubs and the pug!
Anita Mac recently posted..Boutique Hotel Luxury at Montreal’s St Martin Hotel Particulier: Hotel Review
Wishing you safe travels…
Paul Farrugia (globalhelpswap)
Excellent!! Welcome to Europe. Hope the flight went well. So, how much wine can you possibly drink during your stay in France?
Looking forward to hooking up in Dublin. Have you sorted out accommodation yet? We might have a house through Flipkey, we just need a few more bloggers to join us.
Paul Farrugia (globalhelpswap) recently posted..The Capitals
Lance | Trips By Lance
Good luck and have fun. I’ll be interested to follow this new journey.
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