rtw rookie: booking your airfare
Happy New Year, travelers! I’m sure it’s no surprise that I’m pretty pumped for 2013… mainly because, two months from today, I depart for my very first round the world adventure. If you need to catch up, check out past posts here. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about my next step: booking airfare. According to this report, there are a couple of options for RTW airfare. Download the free report, and you can see Airtreks vs. STA Travel vs. do-it-yourself (Kayak) for airfare purchase. We went with Airtreks, which ranked high on flexibility, customer service, and price…
backpacking: yay or nay?
We have a confession to make. Up until our recent adventure, we had never actually done the whole backpacking thing. We’ve basically been asking ourselves “backpacking: yay or nay?” for years… and always just coming out blindly with a firm NAY. Surprising, right? Ehh, not really, for those that know us. Both of us have a chronic over-packing issue (though we’re trying our hardest to improve this in the new year). This means traveling with just a backpack always seemed out of the question. Even if we stick to carry-ons only, a regular suitcase always seemed to fit more. Plus,…
two days in dublin: the perfect layover city
When we originally booked our trip to Geneva, we couldn’t help but notice that our return flight included a four hour layover in Dublin. We immediately began scheming how to make the most of our brief layover… when we realized: there was a very real possibility that we wouldn’t make it back onto our return flight to New York. Not because the airport isn’t easily accessible to the city center–the complete opposite, actually–but because we knew we couldn’t part with one of our favorite cities after such a short reunion. Luckily, our friends at Aer Lingus stepped in and offered…
no travel required // our armchair travel round-up
Once upon a time, we rounded up our favorite travel links of the day or week, all in one place. It was a form of armchair travel and digital escapism when we were, in reality, chained to our desks. This series basically started with the blog, and unfortunately over time, a lot of the old links have moved or changed. In an effort to keep the general vibe alive, below is what’s survived out there on the internet. AIRLINES If we could arrange for all international flights to be this way, that’d be top notch. Delta Flight Delay Causes Plane…
photo essay: christmas in switzerland & dublin
‘Tis the season, travelers! Ever since our own little pre-Christmas in Switzerland & Dublin, we’ve been full of holiday cheer. Along with temporarily satisfying our wanderlust, our trip to Switzerland & Ireland got us SERIOUSLY in the holiday spirit. So much so, that we almost… kind of feel like Christmas already happened? As far as good tidings and cheer, we really found it all! There were trees. They were bedecked and bejeweled and sitting askew. We even got some major Who-ville vibes from some! There were ornaments. Red and gold and green and glimmering. And again… covered in snow! It…