boats, beaches, bars, and ballads
Last night as I was snuggling in sweats with my standard post-work glass of wine, I had a sudden realization. My roommates and I hadn’t opened the windows in our non-air conditioned apartment since Hurricane Irene tip-toed past us. Could it be? Is summer really on its way out?
I have to admit that I’m not entirely heartbroken that summer is coming to a close. I won’t miss tossing and turning all night sticking to my sheets, and I won’t miss the disgustingly humid subway platforms or the smell of rotting, baking trash lining the sidewalks. I love autumn (duh, I’m an October baby), and I’ve been anxious for its arrival.
I say this now, of course. Flash to mid-November after a whirlwind three months of fashion shows, parties, events, and 60-hour work weeks, and I’ll be desperate for summer’s laid back days and balmy nights.
So, in anticipation of a colossal future breakdown, I thought I’d dedicate at least one post to how much I love summer so I have something to look at to remind me I shouldn’t wish the time away.
The Top Five Things I’ll Miss Most About Summer
1. Weekend Getaways. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about living in New York City, its that no one, and I mean NO ONE stays in New York during the weekends in the summer.
2. Outdoor activities. By activities I mean “sitting” or “drinking”. At least I’m doing it outside, ok?
3. Good eats. Clams, mussels, crabs, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, corn on the cob. Preferably eaten outside and served with a cold beer.
4. The Bud Heavy American Flag Can. RIP, my friend. You were a true patriot.
5. Boats, Beaches, Bars, and Ballads. My family’s patron saint, Jimmy Buffett, titled his four-disc hits compilation with these summer staples. Couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Jimmy.
– all photos are our own

Aw, well done. Makes me feel nostalgic for the summer too, although always look forward to the beautiful fall weather here in the northeast. And, open the windows – weather has been beautiful since Irene left, although maybe not in Manhattan. Love the Jimmy reference. And we enjoy the same “activities” – eating, drinking some wine, relaxing. My favorite things!
yum, mussels!
asixpackofstories (@a6packofstories)
Agree! Makes me feel a little sad summer is on its way. Although everyday in LA feels almost exactly the same… LOVE the bud can. Ha!
I know those pics and miss it too already – since school has started again in August!