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    no travel required

    It’s one of those days. The wino is trying her best to find positivity via retail therapy, the romantic took a stab at it with Mister Softee. Nothing is working, travelers. The weather is all over the place, people are moody, and we want out. We can’t even focus long enough to write a real NTR. It’s bad. Instead, we’ll provide you with a photo from our latest target of wanderlust: Scotland. Scotland – Travel Guide xo! the romantic & the wino

  • no travel required

    no travel required

    The romantic is here to tell you that Abbey Road is not a street that you can just casually stroll across all barefoot and laid back. She was 12 when she visited and still considers it a near-death experience. 10 Most Famous Streets in the World WELP, you can now find us in Nicaragua, living on $2 a day and riding around in a chicken bus. HOW TO STAY ON BUDGET IN…NICARAGUA Don’t mind us, we’ll just be in row 38 munching on stale peanuts and trying not to get whiplash from the seat-kicking happening behind us. Flying Garuda Indonesia’s Executive Class Actually…

  • no travel required

    no travel required

    Hmm forced convo with a stranger vs. the possibility that everyone thinks you’re a weirdo spinster with 15 cats stashed in your luggage. Since we doubt anyone is ever thinking the latter, we’d probs just dine alone. Hate dining solo? Site offers a solution Impressive list! We’ve never noticed most of these. Ten Things You Don’t Know About New York City We’re mainly into this one for the accompanying facial expressions. Learning Chinese We didn’t love yesterday’s weather, but we have a feeling we might have felt a little bit differently had we been in London: London Fog xo! the romantic & the…

  • no travel required

    no travel required

    We’re preoccupied, guys. It’s Thursday and we’re both enduring a rough work week. The wino’s is in the form of a bossy kid at the playground and the romantic’s is in the form of a cranky lady in the office, but both amount to the same thing: we’re wanderlusting. We’re not super picky, but for now, we’d rather be strolling along in Brighton than hiding from the crankiness in our lives. Can you blame us? Down to the Sea, Brighton England Photo credit: Tumblr xo! the romantic & the wino

  • no travel required

    no travel required

    We 100% agree with all of these. 5 Travel Habits to Avoid I mean, look at these photos and try not to wish you lived in Ireland right now. You can’t, can you? You want to live there right now. Sigh, us too. Tweeting as Ireland- Day 1 We find masks extremely fucking slightly creepy, but gorgeous photos all the same. Carnival in Venice, a travel photographer’s dream shoot! Sigh, we wish we were there too, Prague. Prague, Czech Republic Wishes You Were Here National Park Views Not to Be Missed | BISCAYNE NATIONAL PARK xo! the romantic & the wino