foodie break: in the kitchen with a french master baker
It’s well documented that we are more savory than sweet around these parts. As you might expect, it’s been six solid months of eating beaucoup de baguettes. So recently, when two friends and I had the chance to experience a day of baking with an acclaimed French Master Baker in his kitchen, I had a sudden vision. Me! Covered in flour, befriending all the locals as I handed them the most delicious baguettes in all the land!
Yes, well… non. That didn’t happen. Really, listening to Frédéric tell us about life as a Parisian baker cemented what I’ve always known deep down: I am far better at eating baked goods than I am at making them. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t have an amazing time learning about the secrets behind one of the best boulangeries in Paris: LALOS.
On a rainy Friday morning, we gathered around Monsieur Lalos and learned about how, as a young boy, he wanted to grow up and become a baker. While all of his friends were proudly announcing their plans to become police officers and firemen, Frédéric was playing kitchen. Well, at least until he was old enough to become an apprentice and start pursuing his dream.
Now, he successfully operates a small chain of boulangeries that are not only thriving throughout Paris, but moving toward international expansion. The first international endeavor opened in Tawain in 2011. He laughed as he told us how each day starts at 3 AM with a cup of French coffee. He ends in the early evening, as the last of his customers head home for their own dinners.
There was no questioning Frédéric’s dedication to the art of French pastries, and I have to admit it: I was a little intimidated when he invited us to come forward and take a stab at rolling our own pain au chocolat. We then dressed the croissants with the special secret egg-based mixture (pretty sure it was just egg, I’m just trying to make it sound way more mysterious here). Finally, we shaped our own baguettes.
Luckily, Frédéric had the patience of a saint. Our little group actually made a nice crew of assistants, if I do say so myself! Toward the end of our morning, we chatted a bit more as we waited for our individual baguettes to arrive, fresh from the oven…
Et voilà!
I’m not even just saying this because we made them ourselves. This was seriously one of the best baguettes I’ve ever eaten in my life. And the croissants? TO DIE FOR.
Yes, this experience dashed my momentary dreams of becoming a master baker myself. But it still stands a one of my most favorite things I’ve done in Paris to date. It was the perfect mix of quintessential France without feeling too touristy. Plus, chello: I got to walk out the door with a goodie bag full of French pastries. That along makes this one of the best days ever.
the romantic
– Thanks to Frédéric for welcoming us to this experience! All opinions are, as always, my own.

Mary Anne Been
yummy yummy yummy… that was a “Wonderful Time” and I am so glad I got to share it with you and Lauren.
Lazy Travelers
couldn’t agree more, mabs! xo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..foodie break: in the kitchen with a french master baker
Oh that looks brilliant! I’ve done lots of cooking classes before but never a baking class – I’m headed to Paris next month and looking for something a little different to do, will check them out!
Caitlyn recently posted..The romance of the Rhine
Lazy Travelers
you definitely should!! they have tons of really different experiences–take a peek for sure 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..foodie break: in the kitchen with a french master baker
Lance | Trips By Lance
I really do want to do this. I also love carbs, of course mine end up being more in the beer variety. But this looks like a fun time. Maybe next time we’re in France without the kid, although he does love to help cook.
Lance | Trips By Lance recently posted..Friday Travel Inspiration: Honoring Native Americans
Lazy Travelers
it actually was pretty kid friendly! if he likes to cook, i think he would enjoy this–you’re more of a baker’s assistant. there’s no starting from scratch, which was a plus for me and my severely lacking baking skills 🙂
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Annette | Bucket List Journey
Yum! Now, my mouth is watering for a crusty baguette!
Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..Get Spooked at the Catacombs in Paris
Lazy Travelers
oooh i know it. it’s really hard to keep myself from eating, like, one a day.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..mayhem! madness! marrakech!
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
Oh mon dieu! Those are the most beautiful about-to-be-baked croissants I’ve ever seen! I’m in total envy of this experience.
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..Perfect Party Spinach Dip
Lazy Travelers
they were also the most amazing about-to-be-eaten croissants ever AND the most delicious already-in-my-belly croissants ever. they had it all. sigh.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..morocco | from the mountains to the dunes
YUM! I can only imagine how intoxicating it smelled with all those goodies baking.
Heather recently posted..The Best Meals We Ate in NYC: Northern and Eastern Europe Edition
Lazy Travelers
omg it smelled so good. i want to bottle it up into a perfume and wear it everyday. or maybe just a candle?
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