jetsetters: @2travelaholics – part one
That’s right, travelers. We have a two-part jetsetters cliffhanger happening this week. It’s getting serious around here. This week’s jetsetter is the mrs. half of the 2travelaholics, and we’re particularly jealous of this traveling duo. In the midst of planning for their Round The World trip departing this coming June, we’re excited to follow along on twitter and their blog as they map out their next adventure.
Without further ado… Mrs. Travelaholic:
Favorite Place: Vancouver. I went there a lot growing up and really love the city and its people.
More importantly, favorite meal: Without a doubt: sushi. I could eat it all the time. Mackerel is my favorite.
The moment you caught the travel bug: I was really fortunate to travel a lot growing up. I can’t pinpoint the moment that I realized I love to travel, but I was always excited to explore a new place, eat new food and learn about a different culture.
First experience traveling alone: Almost exactly four years ago, after graduating from college, I backpacked mostly solo through Europe for three months. It was the most fulfilling growth experience. That was the first time I realized that travel has a positive effect on me, making me more patient, courageous, spontaneous and comfortable with my own internal GPS.
Ever been (or thought you’ve been) in imminent danger while traveling?: I had a couple unpleasant hostel experiences that left me a bit nervous. One hostel owner from Florence sent me a threatening email after I left a poor review of the hostel. The problem was that I was still in Florence, just staying elsewhere. I avoided the area around the hostel and had to keep me eye out for him everywhere I went. (Lesson learned: Don’t negatively review a hostel until you’ve left the area.)
The second experience was at a hostel in Venice. One of my roommates woke me up in the middle of the night by grasping my leg. That in itself was a terrifying moment. Then she kept telling me how scared she was of one of our other roommates. I talked her down, but then of course wasn’t able to fall back asleep.
Worst hotel/hostel experience: Definitely my week in Venice. Besides the situation I described above, the owner was a nut job who was rude to his guests and made me feel really uncomfortable the whole time. The place was a dump that didn’t have warm water, and the owner lied online about providing breakfast.
Best hotel/hostel experience: I’ve certainly had way more good hostel experiences than bad. One of my favorite memories is from when I was in Sevilla, Spain. I made a group of friends at the hostel and we pre-gamed at the hostel’s bar, then went out to dinner, a flamenco show and bar-hopped with a group of Italians. One guy in our group actually graduated from the same university as me (just a year earlier), and I ran into him in two other cities in Spain. Totally random, but such a small world!
Favorite family vacation: I tried, but I really can’t pick just one. I was very fortunate to go on some really amazing vacations with my family: Vancouver, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Sicily are just a few. (Now you can probably better understand why I’m such a travelaholic!)
Must-have packing item: Small flashlight. I can’t tell you how many times I had to rummage through my bags in the dark or wanted to read or write in the hostel room while others were sleeping. It’s such a great thing to have.
Most unbelievable travel experience: Mr. T and I went to Australia a couple years ago, and Kangaroo Island was one of the stops. There was such a variety of animals and scenery on the island — penguins, kangaroos, koalas; caves, sand dunes, pristine beaches and odd rock formations. It was our first experience sand boarding, eating kangaroo, drinking wine on a tourist-less beach and seeing the Milky Way.
Favorite “I can’t believe I’m doing this” moment: When I was in Nice, the hostel I stayed at had information about a day trip to the Alps. At the last minute, I decided to join in and go snowboarding. The whole bus ride up, I kept thinking, “Wow, I’m actually going to go snowboarding in the Alps!” Mind you, I had only been snowboarding once before, about six years earlier. I remembered being decent at it and figured I’d just stay on the bunny slope. That is, until I accidentally took the wrong lift up. It was a bit scary, but one of my favorite “Wow, I did that” memories.
Place you can’t wait to return to: Prague. I was there in December and got to experience their amazing holiday market and New Year’s Eve in Wenceslas Square. However, I’d love to see the city in the spring.
Place you can’t be paid to return to: Cordoba, Spain. I was so bored there I got my hair cut (my first and last Spanish mullet). I couldn’t wait to leave.
Any exciting trips coming up?: Lots in store in the next 6 months: New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas, Coachella Music Festival in April and a round-the-world trip starting in Iceland on June 6, 2012!
Dream vacation: To bounce around in Spain for as long as possible until I get kicked out. (It was tough enough to come up with that since our RTW is my dream vacation. A year off of work — who can beat it?!)
Favorite tourist attraction: Parco dei Mostri in Bomarzo, Italy. Such a unique, interesting (and tough to find) place. So worth it!
Favorite “I’m trying not to look like a tourist” attraction: New York City. Though it’s hard not to look like a tourist when you take a picture of a knishery.
Favorite travel photo:I took this photo when we were in South Australia on our way to catch a ferry to Kangaroo Island. The landscape is beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed, and please oh please let us know if you’re interested in being a future jetsetter!
the romantic & the wino

asixpackofstories (@a6packofstories)
Amazing photo! It looks like a painting!