Meet the stars of our semi-regular feature called Jetsetters. These travelers range from our friends and families to some of our very favorite travel bloggers–all of whom you can check out by clicking on their names below.
If you’re interested in being featured, e-mail us at info [at] thelazytravelers [dot] com.
Get to know the Lazy Travelers
Fellow Travel Bloggers
Names: Bryan & Jessica
Blog: A Six Pack of Stories
Twitter: @a6packofstories
Name: Sheryll
Blog: The Wanderlust Project
Name: Suzy
Blog: Suzy Guese
Twitter: @suzyguese
Name: Lauren
Blog: Never Ending Footsteps
Twitter: @NEFootsteps
Name: Ian
Blog: Mallory on Travel
Twitter: @MalloryOnTravel
Name: Mario
Travel Show: On the Go with Mario
Twitter: @MarioTravels
Name: Stacey
Blog: Stacey Siebritz
Twitter: @stacey_liezl
Name: Lauren/Lola
Blog: Where in the World is Lola?
Twitter: @LolaDiMarco
Name: Tara & Mike
Blog: Two Travelaholics
Twitter: @2Travelaholics
Name: Emma
Twitter: @scottishemma123
Name: Erin
Twitter: @erinmdahl
Name: Melanie
Blog: Dulcet Devotion
Twitter: @MelanieHillier
Name: Alexa
Twitter: @GallivantGal
Name: Andrea & John
Blog: Inspiring Travellers
Twitter: @InspirngTrvlr
Name: Melanie
Blog: A Girl with Gumption
Twitter: @grlwithgumption
Name: Mags
Twitter: @MagsTheBlogger
Name: Cam & Nicole (part one & part two)
Blog: Traveling Canucks
Twitter: @travelcanucks
Name: Pola
Twitter: @jettingaround
Name: Alison
Blog: Global Living Magazine
Twitter: @GlobalLivingMag
Name: Adam
Blog: Happiness Plunge
Twitter: @happinessplunge
Name: Francesca
Blog: The Working Mom’s Travels
Twitter: @workmomtravels
Name: Edna
Blog: Expat Edna
Twitter: @ednacz
Name: Erin
Blog: The World Wanderer
Twitter: @TheWrldWanderer
Name: Ana
Blog: Mrs. O Around the World
Twitter: @mrsoaroundworld
Name: Leah
Blog: Leah Travels
Twitter: @L_e_a_h
Name: Tawny
Blog: Captain & Clark
Twitter: @CaptainandClark
Name: Margie
Website: Jets Inc.
Twitter: @MargieTravels
Name: Kimberly
Blog: Go Green Travel Green
Twitter: @GoGreenTraveler
Name: Noah
Blog: Somewhere or Bust
Twitter: @SomewhereOrBust
Name: Amy
Blog: Amy Hit the Atmosphere
Twitter: @amysho
Name: Natalie
Blog: In Natalie’s Shoes
Twitter: @InNatsShoes
Name: Paul
Blog: A Luxury Travel Blog
Twitter: @luxury__travel
Name: Johnna
Twitter: @MissJohnna
Name: Kate
Blog: 30 Traveler
Twitter: @30Traveler
Name: Ted
Blog: Traveling Ted
Twitter: @TravelingTed
Name: Raul
Blog: I Live to Travel
Twitter: @ilivetotravel
Name: Britany
Twitter: @BritSeeingStars
Name: Harvey
Blog: H-Bomb Worldwide Karaoke
Twitter: @hbomb_worldwide
Name: Nicole
Blog: Suitcase Stories
Twitter: @Suitcases2
Name: Bethaney
Blog: Flashpacker Family
Twitter: @flashpackerfam
Name: Nadine
Blog: Tales From Saigon
Name: Val
Blog: This Way to Paradise // Eating the Globe // Travel Scamming
Twitter: @ThisWayParadise
Name: Charli & Ben
Blog: Wanderlusters
Twitter: @wanderlustersuk
Name: Jen
Twitter: @msmorphosis
Name: Si
Blog: The Departure Board
Twitter: @departureboard
Name: Ashley
Blog: Ashley Abroad
Twitter: @ashleyhfleck
Names: Sam & Pete
Blog: Travelling King
Twitter: @TravellingKing1
Names: Paul & Karen
Blog: globalhelpswap
Twitter: @globalhelpswap
Name: Vi
Blog: Short Travel Tips
Twitter: @ShortTravelTips
Name: Whitney
Blog: Daily Francophile
Name: Lance & Laura
Blog: Travel Addicts
Twitter: @traveleraddicts
Name: Jason & Simone
Blog: JS Living the Dream
Name: Michele
Blog: 3 On the Go
Name: Jesse and Atreyee
Blog: Bespoke Traveler
Twitter: @BespokeTravels
Name: Catherine
Blog: The Go Fever
Twitter: @TheGoFever
Name: Inma
Blog: A World to Travel
Twitter: @aworldtotravel1
Name: Christina
Blog: Fleeting Life
Twitter: @fleeting_life
Name: Ben
Blog: Red Rucksack
Name: Brian & Noelle
Blog: Wandering On
Twitter: @WanderingOn_bn
Name: Sarah
Blog: Travel Cake
Twitter: @mangovoyage
Names: Daniel & Luiza
Blog: Travel + Style
Twitter: @TravelPStyle
Name: David
Blog: David’s Been Here
Twitter: @DavidsBeenHere
Name: Rachel
Blog: Hippie in Heels
Twitter: @Hippie_inHeels
Name: Gigi
Blog: The Ramble
Twitter: @gigigriffis
Name: Marteen & Britt
Blog: Lust for the World
Twitter: @LustForTheWorld
Name: Amanda
Blog: Hot Mama Travel
Twitter: @HotMamaTravel
Name: Flip
Blog: FlipNomad
Twitter: @FlipNomad
Name: Hannah & Meg
Blog: Florence for Free
Twitter: @FlorenceforFree
Name: Heather
Blog: Ferreting Out the Fun
Twitter: @FerretingTheFun
Name: Lauren & Doug
Blog: The Traveling Greaves
Name: Bren
Blog: Bren on the Road
Twitter: @brenontheroad
Friends & Family
Name: The Hubs
Twitter: @_theHubs
Names: B&K
Name: Eddie
Twitter: @EdwardSchmit
Name: Daddio
Name: Christopher
Twitter: @ChristophrWood
Name: AP
Name: Uncle Bill
Name: Erin
Twitter: @ErinBurniston