jetsetters: @BespokeTravels
OH HEY. It’s time for another installment of our weekly Jetsetters series — which, if you haven’t noticed, has gotten a new and improved format. You can save the compliments for later. Instead, take a few minutes to say hello to this week’s jetsetters.
Meet two of our longtime favorite travel writers, Jesse and Atreyee, from Bespoke Traveler. Regulars in our No Travel Required series, we’ve found that we can’t get enough of Jesse and Atreyee’s photos and stories from around the world. Plus, they also hold a soft spot in their hearts for Paris, which pretty much makes them our spirit animals.
So kick back, open a glass du vin rouge, and read about our friends Jesse and Atreyee.
Favorite Place:
- Jesse — Anywhere there is a good photo opportunity! I am up for adventure wherever I can get it, whether it’s in the outback or exploring a sophisticated city.
- Atreyee — It’s a cliche, but Paris France! I can’t say no to the cobbled sidewalks of the old city, the numerous cozy cafes, rooting around ancient cathedrals, or wandering the gardens.
More Importantly, favorite meal:
- J — Eating a full English breakfast on a verandah while looking across at the blue Caribbean in Saint Lucia’s TiKaye Village.
- A — It’s not technically a meal, but I have a weakness for French desserts. Though it might not be “de rigueur” I wouldn’t say no to having macarons for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Most unbelievable travel experience:
- J — Riding on the back of an elephant in Jaipur India. It was magical and surreal.
- A — Exploring Cape Town, South Africa during the 2010 FIFA Football World Cup. The enthusiastic energy of the crowds at the stadium, the friendliness of locals, and the exquisite ease and beauty of the city were all encapsulated into the perfect trip.
Favorite “I can’t believe I’m doing this” experience:
- J — Being on safari in South Africa. I kept saying to myself as I stared out at the savannah, “I can’t believe I’m here!” I pinched myself a lot on that trip.
- A — Staring a bengal tiger face to face on safari in Ranthambore National Park, India. I had never experienced what it was to look a wild beast in the eyes before. Watching them behind bars at a zoo is definitely not the same thing! At the time I was locking eyes with the tiger I was too shocked, however, to be thinking “I can’t believe I’m doing this!”
Place you can’t wait to return to:
- J — Paris. Every time I go there is something new I discover about the place. I’d love to go back there again.
- A — The island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. We had a most wonderful vacation there once where we spent time in R&R as well as in exploring the island’s incredible wildlife. It was a great combination!
To learn more about Jesse and Atreyee, follow them on Twitter and Facebook. AND, if you want to be part of our new and improved Jetsetters series, shoot us an email at info [at] thelazytravelers [dot] com. We also accept bribes in the form of alcoholic beverages.
the romantic & the wino

Bespoke Traveler
Thanks for having us! It was so much fun to answer the questions! See you around in the blog world…and maybe someday on a group trip to Paris! 😀
Lazy Travelers
thanks for being this week’s jetsetters, guys! x
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: @BespokeTravels