jetsetters: @erinmdahl
Happy hump day! We’re ignoring that it’s Wine Wednesday to save ourselves from the depressions of our self-imposed weekday wine strike. Le sigh.
We promised we’d bring back jetsetters, and we wouldn’t let you down, travelers!
Today’s jetsetter is a newbie Twitter friend and may just be more obsessed with Paris than we are. Seriously–try reading her answers without wanting to move to France by the end. Follow E at @erinmdahl for more Frenchie love.
Favorite Place: Paris. I will forever be in love with that city, its people and everything that goes with the two. May this be your warning – many francocentric responses to ensue.
More importantly, favorite meal: This is tough; I’ve had so many memorable meals while traveling, but if I had to choose just one….when I was studying abroad in Paris my junior year of college, my boyfriend was studying in Madrid. I began planning the four days we’d spend together the moment he booked his flight. Per a recommendation from my “host mother” – she hated that term, which makes sense since she was only thirty or so – we ate at Bar le Passage at Senderens. We were prepared for a blind three-course prix fixe, but to our surprise dessert didn’t come after the second plate. By the time we ended our meal, eight courses later, we were hooked. Forever a favorite.
The moment you caught the travel bug: When I was in ninth grade, my family hosted a French exchange student. This was something I knew I’d do…after all, I only decided to take French at the naive age of 13 because the prospect of hosting a foreign student was so intriguing. We had a girl my age stay in our house for two weeks and then I went to Paris and stayed with her for the same duration the following spring. I left the city madly in love, feeling as if I was floating just a few feet above the ground. Naturally, I began to tear up as soon as I boarded the plane, Paris having cozied up in a small corner of my heart and remained ever since.
First experience traveling alone: I must have been eight years old or so. My parents put me on a plane to visit my uncle and godfather in Michigan. I wasn’t the slightest bit nervous and was excited to get the small wings pin they used to give out.
Ever been (or thought you’ve been) in imminent danger while traveling?: While I was studying abroad, I traveled with the same boy to Tangier, Morocco and despite some warnings, I felt safe since I was traveling with said boy. We took a taxi from the tiny airport to our hotel, or so we thought. The taxi could only take us three quarters of the way, as the top of the Kasbah was not accessible by car. We got out, took our bags and a nice old man said he was heading our way and would show us where our hotel was. We finally got to our destination (which looked like an abandoned alleyway) but our seemingly friendly guide began demanding a large sum of money for his service. There was no one else around and he angered quickly, but we ended up working it out, still paying more than we would have ever hoped to.
Worst hotel/hostel experience: Honestly, I don’t have one. I appreciate luxury, but can live minimally.
Best hotel/hostel experience: My mom, sister and mom’s friend came to visit Paris while I was studying and living there. It was my mother and sister’s first time to Europe and I couldn’t wait to host them. They stayed at the gorgeous Park Hyatt, only steps from Place Vendôme and other well-known lodgings, like The Ritz. I stayed with them for two nights and it was so incredibly luxurious.
Favorite family vacation: I have very fond memories of traveling to Cape Cod as a child. My mom had an annual conference there and our whole family would go. Being able to swim in the ocean AND a pool, catching jelly fish, playing bingo…funny to think back on the things you love as a child.
Must-have packing item: Dry shampoo. I prefer to wash my hair as infrequently as I can – I find it looks so much healthier, and simplifies my daily prep routine! No need to spend time with a blow dryer while traveling. Oh and comfortable shoes, of course.
Most unbelievable travel experience: I traveled to Belize when I was in high school and it was all very surreal. The first part of the trip was spent in a jungle bungalow, the second on a tiny island just off the coast. We zip lined, snorkeled and ate some of the best fish I’ve ever tasted.
Favorite “I can’t believe I’m doing this” moment: Scuba diving with sharks off the coast of Belize. I was a little bit nervous, but it was exhilarating and I would absolutely do it again.
Place you can’t wait to return to: Paris, always.
Place you can’t be paid to return to: Haven’t been to one yet. I’m not sure I ever will.
Any exciting trips coming up?: Unfortunately, nothing of note right now. Check back soon though!
Dream vacation: Any trip with good company and memorable adventures is a dream.
Favorite tourist attraction: Bateaux Mouches on the Seine. It is certainly touristy, but it gives you such a lovely view of the city! And it is one you cannot get from anywhere else.
Favorite “I’m trying not to look like a tourist” attraction: If you mean something I do in order to avoid looking like a tourist…I’d say sit at a café and people watch. I love doing it, even in New York City (where I currently live.)
Favorite travel photo: This is really tough, as I have so many photos that I hold dear. However, the one I chose is from my time spent in Paris with my sister, mom and mom’s friend…it was a magical trip for so many reasons and I ended up having this photo printed as a gift for my mom. Lovely reminder of quality time spent together.
Whew, so good to be back on track with our jetsetters. As always, let us know if you’d like to be featuerd!
the romantic & the wino