jetsetters: @ThisWayParadise
Say hello to Val of This Way to Paradise. It’s actually physically impossible to look at her site and not wish you were on a beach. We’re serious. Take a moment, click above, and try. Are you back? Did you succeed?
Didn’t think so.
Favorite Place: Gili Air off of the coast of Lombok! It’s the perfect island. Not too many tourists, but just enough to keep it interesting. Beautiful crystal clear waters, deserted beaches, chill out bar. A true Paradise.
More importantly, favorite meal: At a street food cart in Thailand. This guys made noodles with pork and crab. I landed in Bangkok at 10 pm, dumped my bags at the hostel and ate this around 11:30 at night. Best meal ever!
The moment you caught the travel bug: When I went to Europe when I was 23 years old. It was the first time I had traveled on my own, and I was hooked.
First experience traveling alone: The European trip. My grandmother had urged my sisters and I to go to Switzerland as that was where she was from. After she died, I knew I had to honor her wish. I went there and also to Italy and France.
Ever been (or thought you’ve been) in imminent danger while traveling?: Yes, I recently had a hotel worker in Sri Lanka put his hands down my shirt. It was very scary. I forcefully told him to get away from me. He did and I managed to get my driver and leave the hotel safely.
Worst hotel/hostel experience: Well, the one about where the worker put his hands down my shirt. I have been pretty lucky otherwise.
Best hotel/hostel experience: I recently stayed at the Bedulu Resort in Amed, Bali. Absolutely stunning. My own bungalow on a hillside with an amazing panorama view of the ocean. Also, just down my steps was one of the most stunning infinity pools I’ve ever been in. Gorgeous!!
Favorite family vacation: Hawaii! My dad was in the military, so we flew on a C-130. It was 4 days of flying and we only got to stay for 3 days, but I thought it was so worth it! I was 16. I wound up moving to Hawaii when I was 24 for about 3 years.
Must-have packing item: Camera and lavender essential oil for those stressful moments.
Most unbelievable travel experience: Swimming with manta rays in Raja Ampat, Papua.
Favorite “I can’t believe I’m doing this” moment: Going up in a hot air balloon in New Zealand.
Place you can’t wait to return to: Spain
Place you can’t be paid to return to: Sri Lanka
Any exciting trips coming up?: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Dream vacation: Malidives
Favorite tourist attraction:
Favorite “I’m trying not to look like a tourist” attraction: Local parks in the areas I visit
Favorite travel photo:
We’re always looking for our next jetsetter! Drop us a line if you think that could be you.
the romantic & the wino

Enjoyed the post and thanks for sharing Val’s amazing website! I’m hearing so much positive things about the ‘Maldives’ lately. Simply have to put this on my wish list.
Thanks for sharing, look forward to upcoming posts and photos!
Rob recently posted..One Night In Bangkok Lyrics
Lazy Travelers
thanks rob! loved having val, and we totally agree: maldives is a serious must.
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