no travel required // our armchair travel round-up
Once upon a time, we rounded up our favorite travel links of the day or week, all in one place. It was a form of armchair travel and digital escapism when we were, in reality, chained to our desks. This series basically started with the blog, and unfortunately over time, a lot of the old links have moved or changed.
In an effort to keep the general vibe alive, below is what’s survived out there on the internet.
If we could arrange for all international flights to be this way, that’d be top notch. Delta Flight Delay Causes Plane to Take Off With Just 2 Passengers
Does anyone have 42k to spare? Because if so, we’d like to buy two tickets, please & thank you. Actually, make it 63k and you can join! The Best Airline Seat That $21,000 Can Buy
Thoughts or additions from you, our little travel gurus? What You Need To Know About Flying
Ugh, wish we would have read this before our last trip on Ryan Air from DUB > LHR. Or six years ago when the wino paid $600 to get her bag from Paris to Dubs on Ryan Air… The Ultimate Guide for Surviving Low Cost Airlines in Europe
Well, so this is the neatest. 8 hours of Airliners Departing from Los Angeles in One Single Photo
Argh, more negatives than positives in our opinion. 7 Travel Predictions for Airline Passengers in 2014
This made the rounds last week, but is worth watching again even if you’ve already seen it. We may have teared up, it’s fine. IT’S THE SEASON OF GIVING. WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving
We tweeted this last week, but in case you missed it… it’s five minutes long and instructs in a song/rap combo. Might as well have the cast of Glee on every flight. (…yeah, actually, the wino would probably be into that.) Virgin America Has Just Released What Might Be The Best In-Flight Safety Video Ever
Part of us likes this idea, and the other part of us knows that this is gonna cause some dramz amongst parents everywhere. We’ll see how long this lasts. Asian Airline Offers Baby-Free ‘Quiet Zone’
The title pretty much says it all. This Graphic of Africa’s Actual Size Will Blow Your Mind
northern africa
Mmm, wouldn’t have to twist our arms to get us here. Chefchaouen, Morocco in Photos
If you couldn’t tell, we’ve got Africa on the brain. Why is Botswana a Holiday Hotspot in 2015?
Now if we go to Africa and we don’t see every single one of these animals, we’re going to be REALLY disappointed. 15 Photos of Animals in South Africa Guaranteed to Make You Smile
We never get tired of posts like this: Animal Safari Photos from Africa
These pictures. Amazing. Kolmanskop, Deserted African Mining Town, Is Almost Completely Buried In Sand
Now if you don’t mind, we’re going to go continue our anti-productive day and discuss all the things we would pack for our safari trip to Tanzania. (Absurdly large floppy hat taking precedence of course). Treading Lightly in the Simanjiro Plains of Tanzania
Wait, whaaaat? Antarctica and Back in Day? Yup, you can.
Thanks, once again Buzzfeed, for explaining things in pretty pictures. No really, we mean it. The 21 Things Everyone Wants to Know When you go to Antarctica
Things we’ll never do but certainly can appreciate. Camping in Antarctica
To be perfectly honest, China isn’t really at the tip top of our travel wish list. These pictures might change that, though. Top 3 Budget Places You Can’t Afford to Miss in China
This is just too adorable. The packing list?! We, too, understand the importance of packing the right costumes. Ready for Thailand: Our Experienced Traveller
Cambodia street food: for or against? On Street Food and Those Who Love (and Deride) It, and Where to Eat it in Siem Reap
The Planet D duo make us want to be a little less lazy and a little more adventurous. Or at the very least a lazy/adventurous hybrid situation. In Search of Algonquin Moose – A Canadian Wildlife Safari
Yeah, I mean, we’d probably go to St. Barts. No but seriously…. when can we go to St. Barts? Doing St Barts in Style
We’ll take two please! The Private Island is Up for Sale and it Looks Just Perfect
Pretty sure we would never be able to do this… In the Water with Whale Sharks – Cancun, Mexico
We want to see this! The One Million Turtle March: An Arribada in Costa Rica
Well, we certainly agree. Costa Rica is Fucking Beautiful
Getting sunburnt just thinking of visiting these places, but it would def be worth it. Top 10 Islands in Europe
We want to go on an ice skating tour of Europe! 10 of the most beautiful outdoor ice rinks in Europe
central europe
In case you missed it, we’re pretty sure we’re meant to live in one of these. Or any castle in any other country, we’re not toooo picky. 18 German Castles that Put Disney to Shame
We rue the day we didn’t try rosti. We will return to you, Swiss food! What To Eat In Switzerland: 5 Foods Beyond Fondue
Note: definitely more inclined to partake in physical activity if rewarded with wine. Cycling and Sipping Between Germany and France
eastern europe
Oh GOD, as if carnivals don’t give us enough nightmares. And in Romania no less?! Clearly this is run by vampires. Descend into the 400 Foot Deep Amusement Park
Save your pennies. ‘Dracula’s Castle’ On Sale for $80M
But but but! We love halusky! We can see where she’s coming from, though. Sigh. 5 things I dislike about Slovakia
Mosques, why are you so pretty? Rüstem Pasha: My Favourite Mosque in Istanbul
northern europe
Anyone wanna go halfsies on the blue and black clapboard house?? Postcards from Holland
To add to the never-ending list of reasons we want to visit Scandinavia: Why Locals (and You) Will Love Copenhagen this year
Scandinavia is at the tippy top of our list. And no, it’s not just because of Frozen. Ok, it’s mainly because of Frozen. Budget Travel Guide to Oslo, Norway
And! Speaking of Iceland, Happy Birthday to Tiny Iceland, who turned two this week! Check out Inga’s recap of this past year, and see if you spot any familiar faces. Tiny Iceland—A year filled with memories
Yup, all of these. 22 Magical Facts That Will Make You Want to Move to Norway
Well, doesn’t Norway just look stupid pretty. The Fjords in Norway
Because eloquence is lost on us in our hangover daze, all we can say is coooooooooooooooooooooooool! Stories in Stone: The Tanum Rock Carvings in Western Sweden
united kingdom
Why is Cornwall SO FRICKIN CUTE ALWAYS?! Preparing to Plant Poppies for WW1 Anniversary at Lost Gardens of Heligan
Oh em gee, that picture of Cornwall. No wait, the one of Devon! No, all of them! 21 Gorgeous Panoramic Shots from Around Britain
Well ok, who wants to move?? We’re not picky, anything on this list will do. Britain’s Happiest Towns
Touche, London. Touche. London Is Now the Most Popular Tourist Destination in the World
Well, this is horrifying. And the “Walkie Scorchie” is a terrible nickname. Do better, brits. The skyscraper that’s melting cars
I mean. Formidable Beauty in the Scottish Highlands
Does anyone have a time travel machine? Anyone? 26 Haunting Photos of The London Fog
western europe
Malta looks great and all, but we want to be bff with the Buzzfeed staffer who wrote this. “Water so blue you’ll want to punch yourself in the face.” 14 Pics That Prove Malta Is The Most Underrated Country In The Mediterranean
Is it just us, or does Spain keep getting prettier? 5 Cultural Things to Do in Malaga, Spain
Count us in. 5 Vacations for a Francophile Other Than France
We both lived in France and have only collectively seen two of these. Whoops. Best Day Trips from Paris
Oh, France. French Baker Busted for Working Too Much
Happy slightly belated to the Eiffel Tower! Girlfriend looks great for 125. It’s the Eiffel Tower’s 125th Birthday! Here’s 10 Things You Didn’t Know About It
We kinda wish we were meeting in Paris circa 1946 after looking at these photos. Paris Unadorned: Black and White Portraits of the City of Light, 1946
Huh, interesting. We’re kind of on the fence about the High Line, so a Parisian version? Meh. Will send the romantic to investigate and report back. In Paris, a New York-style High Line
Wouldn’t mind a little weekend excursion to Burgundy, that’s for sure. Le Petit Weekend: Burgundy At A Glance
Well, this is terrifying. Watch spectacular HD footage of giant avalanche crashing through the Italian Alps
This doesn’t really answer the question. It just makes us want to ditch everything and move to Capri forever. SIGH. Capri or Anacapri: Which Town to Stay In On the Island of Capri
We want it and we want it all. A guide to ordering coffee in Italy
We really have yet to see anything about Greece that doesn’t make us wish we were there right this second. Lost in the Odyssey
How much would you like to be the woman in this picture? Ristretto: Paris is Brewing
Coolest! Har har har, see what we did there? Unexpected Snowstorm in Middle East
Eesh, this is unfortunate. At least they got some good pictures out of it? Why I’d Prefer to Forget Visiting the Dead Sea, Jordan
We’re kind of hoping this is a magical disappearing/re-appearing hidden island, of the LOST variety. Anyone else? New Island Discovered! Sort of.
LOVE that Afar just literally spun a globe and sent a writer off to explore. We’d probably get, like, Fargo or something. …no offense, Fargo. Spin the Globe: David Farley in La Paz, Bolivia
Meanwhile, in other parts of the world… It’s So Hot in Rio de Janeiro That Zoo Animals Are Being Fed Popsicles
As if The Galapagos isn’t already way up on our list! 10 amazing places to visit in the Galapagos Islands
“A 20-pound forest rat in the jungles of South America is a glorious beast.” Um. Agree to disagree, Mr. Zimmern? Bizarre Bites: Rat
Even more photo amazing-ness! La Boca’s Colours
Well, this is depressing. The Demise of Machu Picchu
new york
Wait, but. How have we never been to any of these? A Look at my Favorite Unpretentious NYC Restaurants
Can we get this in all cities? And not just grilled cheese but, like, pizza? Wine? Shoes? Grilled Cheese Delivered By Parachute, Coming Soon to NYC
Aaaand, we’ve never been to any of these. Shaaame. Where to Drink Wine in NYC
The most wonderful time of the year! New York City Beer Week Ready to Roll
Oh no. We love Roberta’s. A Naked Waitress Served Pizza at Roberta’s, and More News
Just in time for us to start planning our upcoming Manhattan staycation this weekend! We were trying not to be too depressed about it, and this is helping. 36 Hours in Downtown Manhattan
These photos are a perfect representation of everything we love about Central Park right now. Central Park in the Fall
everywhere else
Salt Lake City surprises us (probs because of Sundance), but the rest seem pretty on par. Top American Destinations To Avoid In 2013
We’ve never actually been to Portland, but this does seem like a very Portland reaction. The PDX factor: Portland airport’s carpet inspires microbrews, memes and more
Now that the wino is back in Pennsylvania, this might have to be her next road trip, oui? Brick Farm: New Jersey’s Coolest Indoor Artisan Market
Where and how quickly can we sign up?? Adult Sleepover at American Museum of Natural History
This sounds like our kind of road trip, oui? Road Trip: Searching the Willamette Valley for the Perfect Pinot
None of these things seem weird to us? 36 reasons Philadelphia May be the Weirdest City
One of the most New York-y things to ever happen in history. Best Roommate Ad Ever: Free Studio for Back-Walking, Wife-Finding Female
More icy goodness from last week’s polar vortex in the ole U-S-of-A. Frozen Chicago: What the Windy Cindy Looks Like Under Ice
Sooo, you’re saying the wino should leave New York and join the romantic en France? Well, ok! Pollution Report Paints Gloomy Picture of Smoggiest US Cities
“Go big and hope to make it home by ordering a massive glass boot of Snake River lager.” Yeeeaaah, why haven’t we been to Jackson Hole, yet? America’s Best Ski Resort Restaurants
This makes us sure that we need to add the Rockies to our ski dossier. 11 of the Most Gorgeous Ski Resorts in Colorado
AND! The oldest bar in America is in…. (drumroll please) Exploring the Oldest Bar in America
Sigh, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Will we ever find you appealing? Honestly, we can’t really imagine it. But this is, at least, a very good start: Things To Do In Las Vegas Without Gambling
We’ll get to you someday, Texas. And it seems like maybe San Antonio is a good place to start? Eh? Highlights from San Antonio
A SLOTH BEAR? IS THIS REAL LIFE? The Sloth Bear In Our Nation’s Capitol
Amazing photos AND now we’re hungry. I Left My Stomach at O’o Farms #SEEMAUI
Want/need to visit all of these ASAP. Hotels You Must Experience At Least Once in Your Lifetime
Well, now we just feel super unaccomplished. This Man’s Epic Worldwide Selfies Will Inspire You to Travel
Oh la laa. World’s Best Cities for Romance
This one’s for the wino! (The romantic is trying her hardest to get into GoT but… meh.) 11 Places All “Game Of Thrones” Fans Need To Visit
The wino is in the midst of entertaining honeymoon ideas, and these are both hindering and helping. The 21 Most Awesome Hotel Views On Earth
You know, JUST when we were starting to feel well traveled. Have you seen any of these?? 22 Unbelievable Places that are Hard to Believe Really Exist
Ahh we can’t pick a fave! What say you? Travel Bloggers Reveal the Best Places for a Weekend Escape
Yeah, no thanks. 15 Heart-Stopping Skywalks That Will Turn Your Legs To Jelly
We’re partial to Shakespeare & Co. but these will do. Beautiful and Bizarre Bookstores of the World
We’ll sign the leases on all of them, please and thank you! 6 Jaw-Dropping Castles for Rent
Is this supposed to be hugely motivational or extremely depressing? Because…. Top 10 Places to Go Before They Disappear
If we ever outgrow our love affair with city exploration, we’re officially becoming beach people: The best beach villas in the world
It is that time of year! 10 MORE of the World’s Most Fascinating Cemeteries
Flying to Munich exclusively to visit the airport brewery. 10 Surprisingly Cool Airport Attractions
Welp, this is making us a little sad to be sitting at our desks this Monday afternoon. Scenic Views from Airplane Windows
Simply amazing. 20 Highlights from the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
We rarely (never?) wake up for the sunrise, but these photos are pretty enticing. And now I’m trying to remember the last time I actually did see the sunrise. 40 Breathtaking Examples of Serene Sunrise Photography
While you’re doing that, we’ll be scraping together random objects and calling it art. New Art Exhibition Features ‘Banned Booty’ Confiscated From Airport Security Checkpoints
Willing to travel to each of these places to confirmtheir beauty! Beautiful Christmas Lights Around the Globe
If Santa could lend two girls his space-defying bag for like, one trip, we’d be eternally grateful. Fun Facts About Santa’s Annual Sleigh Ride
We normally opt for red wine or champagne, but hey, these works too. The 12 Drinks of Christmas
Can anyone hook us up with a time machine? Anyone?? 13 Magical Vintage Photos of Paris at Christmastime
So thankful that we got to experience Christmas traditions in the United States AND Europe this year! A Few Holiday Traditions Around the World
France may be deemed the healthiest option in Europe, but the romantic will prove this wrong by exclusively eating baguettes & brie this Christmas. Britain: Topping the fat table for unhealthiest Christmas dinner
Take us here and take us here NOW. Xmas Markets & Winter Magic from Vienna to Salzburg …
The romantic is handling things by heading to Morocco. Sounds normal, right? How to Celebrate Christmas While Living Abroad
Colmar is so on our someday list. 10 of the Most Beautiful European Christmas Markets
“Tu peux passer chercher la dinde chez le boucher?” HA, yeah ok. Pickin’ up la dinde (the turkey) isn’t that easy, Frenchies. Ask the romantic, who just tried on Saturday. More on that later, though. Common French Christmas Phrases
Welp, these are amazing. Scenes From D-Day, Then and Now
Apparently we’re all about the throwback snaps this week. But how much do you love these photos?! Groovy Wimbledon circa 1971
Ummm, wouldn’t mind bread with chocolate toppings. What Kids Around the World Eat for Breakfast
We like this, we like this. A Groovin’ Slow Food Movement Taking Over the World
SUPER important information: Global Hangover Cures That Will Numb the Pain (But Turn Your Stomach)
Hungry. 11 Maps of Countries and Continents Made From Their Iconic Foods
Ah psh. Half Moons? Harlequins? It’s a black and white cookie, guys. Move along. Black and White Cookies: The 10 Things You Didn’t Know
We learned about this on our Foods of New York tour of the Greenwich Village, many moons ago! An interactive NYT article is almost as fun as a tasting at O&Co in the Village. Almost. Extra Virgin Suicide: The Adulteration of Italian Olive Oil
We’re normally fully behind all pumpkin-related creations, but not sure how we feel about this… Burger King Japan Debuts Pumpkin Burger
We always prefer to mix our exercise with our actual hobbies. This sounds right up our alley: World’s Most Bikeable Wine Regions
A must for our next London trip, for sure. Want to try 300 Drinks from 5 Different Continents?
Hey, it’s Friday the 13th! Friday 13th: The accidental superstition?
Can’t relate to this 100% (for one, we’re closer to 30 than 25 oh em gee), but def nodded along more than a few times. I’m Turning 25, And I’d Rather Spend My Money On Travel Than On A House, A Wedding, Or A Child
Not the prettiest infographic (about halfway down the page), but this is the alphabet according to Google autocomplete. Who knew Walmart was big in Brazil? And still using Mapquest, America?! What the hell? The Phonetic Alphabet according to Google – 2015
FYI, if any parents are looking to bring along someone on your travels to help watch your kids, WE’RE YOUR GALS. Except, is drinking whilst babysitting allowed? A Family Vacation: Priced with a Nanny Included
If we’ve been to nearly half of these places, can we just have the $325,215 and make our own itinerary? Spend Just $325,215 and Visit 20 Iconic/Exotic Movie Locations
Sing it, sister. We love everything about this. Gaining Confidence Through Travel
This isn’t really a travel-related post except for the fact that Geraldine is a travel blogger, but it’s both insightful and beautifully written and so we shall link to it. Brain Surgery: 1 Year Later
Yep, sounds about right. What travellers do after a trip? They apparently search for more trips [INFOGRAPHIC]
Handy tips for people that suck at packing. What?! Not US, per se. (HA haaa gotcha, it’s totally us). Travel 101: 9 Forgotten Items to Pack on Your Next
We can say with 100% certainty that our parents did not write this. Why I Encourage My Kids to Hitchhike
PREACH. How Four Years of Perpetual Travel will Change You
We’re not really introverts ourselves, but for those of you who can identify: An Introvert Abroad: 5 Ways to Strike Social Balance When Traveling
We are clearly big fans of the very first tip. Vicarious Travel: How to Make the Most Out of Other People’s Travels
We love a good travel website/app life update. Curate Your Own Adventure
As newcomers on the blogging-conference circuit, we’re always interested in reads like these: A First Timers View on World Travel Market (WTM)
Bahaha. The word “Mugunghwa” is a funny one. The Ways In Which I’ve Travelled
We’re printing this out and turning it into wallpaper. What I’ve Learned From Life And Travel
We’re going to have to take her word for it. Travel Tip Tuesday: Travel Burnout – Is There Such a Thing as Traveling Too Much?
“What we lack in pay, we make up for in lifestyle” is our mantra. 17 Unique Quotes From Young Travelers That’ll Make You Want To Pack Up And Go
Good thing we live in modern times where pictures are in color, otherwise how would people have known who was the blonde and who was the redhead, ya know? Are Colorized Photos Rewriting History?
We always like reading these. One Year of Travel: Lessons Learned
Finally! A pocket guide to tipping (to help us avoid the inevitable awkward moments when we’re in Switzerland). 8 Most Common Tipping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
This almost makes us sad about traveling. Almost. A Guide to Leaving Everything Behind
We’re like, reaaaaaaally unsure of how we got left off this list?? The 30 Nicest Travelers to Follow on Twitter
Touche. The Beauty of Ignorance: When It’s Better Not to Know.
We’re all about self-improvement. Normally. Depends on the day. But sometimes. Lynn Hughes’ Travel Writing Tips
Um, we are turning this sporadic drinking game into our new rule of life. I am a bad influence
Our hearts are breaking over the rumors that Pan Am may be cancelled. What will Sunday nights be without the Captain Dean and Collette romance??? Pan Am Was My Higher Education
Can we go on all of these even if it’s not our honeymoon? Please and thank you. Alternative top honeymoon destinations
ICEBERG, RIGHT AHEAD! Yes, this link is included only so we can make a Titanic reference, but also the pics are RULL pretty. Icebergs and their Hidden Stories
It’s here! Spring Flowers Mean Winter’s Almost Over!
OMG. That’s all we can really say. 10 Luxurious Spots That Put the “G” in Glamping
Happy Earth Day! 27 Stellar Photos Of Earth Taken From Space
OH EM GEE, HEARTS EXPLODING. This Trainee Sheep Dog Learning the Ropes will Brighten Your
Some photo gems: TravelPinspiration: Waterfalls
The wino gifted the romantic & the hubs with a baby pumpkin to kick off our favorite season of the year. In honor of her generosity: Photo Essay, Autumn Leaves
To the nomadic rich everywhere–we envy you. No office, no boss, no boundaries– Rise of the Nomadic Rich
Every flight should have lie-flat beds, amiright?! Flight Forecast: What Travelers Should Expect in 2013
Hmm, we tend to shy away from extended periods in remote locations… we get a little stir crazy. Thoughts? Feelings? When Choosing Where To House Sit, Should You Try a Remote Location?
Who knew Deej was such a con artist?! Hotel Confidential
Alright, officially pursuing lives as professional housesitters. Sign us up. Dream housesits around the world: Travelers share their most memorable housesitting experiences
Host families are the bestest. 10 Tips for Staying with a Host Family
Americans everywhere need to read this pronto: Tips for Interacting with Locals When Traveling Abroad
Norwegian social interactions sound so aggressive, huh? What is Proper Handshake Etiquette Around the World?
One app not mentioned that the romantic loves: VSCO Cam. Also, check out our own phone photog skills here and here. Self-promotion, oh yes it is. 10 tips to shoot better photos on your phone
This video is super weird. What does English sound like to a foreigner?
couples travel
Our strategy includes drinking a lot of wine. Lots and lots of wine. The Ups & Downs of Couples Travel
Not travel related, but according to these girls, we struck other-half GOLD! Neither of our misters pick their noses, live with their parents, OR have weird last names. So. Score for the romantic & the wino. 30 Rules For Boyfriends From Two Wise Little Girls
Ha haaa, good thing we found two suckers to drag along for the ride. Don’t date a girl who travels
“19. Avoid dark alleys.” Ok but, that’s just general life advice, right? 20 tips for solo travellers
Selfie sticks can be dangerous, apparently. Also, YA LOOK LIKE A NERD. 15 Places Around the World Where Your Selfie Stick is No Longer Welcome
We want to travel on all the dates. Best and Worst Dates to Travel this Summer
This post is ridiculous. Getting kidnapped isn’t really what we would call a “mistake” anyone makes. “Oops! Kidnapped again!” Also, comparatively, leaving your cell photo data on probs won’t ruin your life. 10 Travel Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Life
solo travel
Maybe we’re babies, but neither of us have ever reaaaaally traveled alone. For those considering: 7 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone At Least Once in Your Life
So how’s that for some armchair travel, eh?!
ashley & carolyn, aka the romantic & the wino