no travel required
OH GOD, it’s here! It’s RTW kick-off week for the romantic & the hubs! Cue everyone’s freak-outs! Askdfdhjgshjgda!
Deep breaths. Let’s read.
Yeah, we barely even use our US licenses. Do I Need an International Driver’s Licence?
Oh great. Now we’re drooling all over ourselves. The Best Food in Liguria and the Cinque Terre
Annnd how often did people scream, “ICEBERG, STRAIGHT AHEAD?” because that would have been our people. How Cruising to Antarctica Works
HostelBookers did a round-up for NYC Street Eats, and we’re pretty pumped to be included. We <3 food. The New York Street Food Guide
Also, in case you haven’t heard, we were nominated for a Bloggie! Hop on over and vote for us for “Best Travel Weblog” and we’ll buy you all a drink! 2013 Bloggies
Dear House of Shandy:
May we commission you to make a “Lazy Traveler Shandy” complete with our hair icons?
Sincerely, @_theromantic & @_thewino
the romantic & the wino