official travel announcement!
We’ve been trying to figure out a way to say this eloquently… but our brains aren’t functioning properly, and really, eloquence isn’t our thing, so:
How did this happen? In typical Lazy Travelers fashion, we spent the morning emailing each other about our hangovers as a result from last night’s business dinner. When what to the wino’s wandering eyes should appear, but an email about airfare discounts to Europe! From there, the events rapidly unfolded: a flurry of emails back and forth about possible destinations, quick check with the hubs (he’s like, our unofficial business advisor), andddd two tickets were booked to Geneva in early December.
I KNOW, right?
Since then, things are really just falling into place. We’ve already declared Montreux Noël an absolute must, and we’re taking it as a sign that one of Geneva’s biggest celebrations is happening the same weekend we’re in town.
Now this is where you come in, travelers! Seeing as we have no idea what we’ve gotten ourselves into, what do you advise?! Does anyone know what to do with four days in Switzerland?!
Criteria: lots of wine, lots of Christmas-focused activities, lots of snow, and lots of wine.
We’re serious about the wine.
SOS & xoxo,
the romantic & the wino

That’s so exciting! My poppop spent some time in Switzerland after WWII and all of his pictures looked so peaceful and amazing! I’m not sure where he stayed, but it looked like a quaint ski village. I can picture you two sipping some spiked coco there!
Lazy Travelers
baaah that sounds like absolute perfection. we can’t wait!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..official travel announcement!
Dude, Switzerland in December? FONDUE. To serve as a foundation for all the wine, natch. (Except that there’s also wine IN THE FONDUE.)
Jessica recently posted..TBEX Memories
Lazy Travelers
asdkjshdgkjhad we hadn’t even CONSIDERED FONDUE. i mean, can december get here any faster, please?
Lazy Travelers recently posted..official travel announcement!
The World Wanderer
So exciting! I haven’t been to Switzerland…yet. So, I’ll be looking forward to all of your posts about it. Love the idea of doing Christmas-y things while there. Christmas markets are the best!
The World Wanderer recently posted..Chobe National Park, Botswana.
Lazy Travelers
we’re soo glad that our first time will be right around christmas!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Kieu ~ GQ trippin
Haha.. I LOVE travel announcements. But will you still be in NYC when we arrive? When do you depart for Switz? Ahh, would have been great to wine down in Europe together. 🙂 Still, love the travel news. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of wine..
Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..We Crashed a Wedding in India!
Lazy Travelers
OH crap! what weekend are you here again??
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Geneva is very very pretty, but also a little bit boring. Seriously!! Globus department store is a must – specially the foodhall area. And the foodcourt – I am serious and you need to go. Lovely! We stayed overnight once after skiing and were sad to see the city completely die at night (unlike Zurich). But maybe that has changed?
Nearby Lausanne is stunning and worth a visit too. And Evian-les-Bains also accessible by train. 🙂 By day, it will be amazing!!
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..Photos of the Week – White
Lazy Travelers
thanks for the tips!! we were kind of getting that vibe about geneva so we’re definitely planning on staying in towns in the surrounding area–probably only really staying in geneva that last night to catch our flight out the next morning.
lausanne is at the top of our list, and will look into evian-les-bains for sure! also considering chamonix…. ahh, so much to do in such little time!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..pura vida: boozing & cruising, cruising & boozing
okay first of all, the most important factor IS when are you doing this exactly? rendezvous? so so fun!
xoxo – lola
lola recently posted..Costa Brava Cocktails
Lazy Travelers
ahh i know–we need to discuss. we’ll be there early december…
Lazy Travelers recently posted..pura vida: boozing & cruising, cruising & boozing
Leah Travels
I love it when a plan comes together, especially a last-minute plan. Love this!
Lazy Travelers
oh, and this was the MOST last minute. but soo worth it!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..pura vida: boozing & cruising, cruising & boozing
Raul (@ilivetotravel)
You ask if we have advice??? Well, OF COURSE, I do! Looking up my entry for “Restaurants – Geneva” (yes, I have a whole list of where I have eaten around the world), I have two SOLID recommendations…
Le Relais de L’Entrecôte – Rue de Rhône: only one item on the menu: streak and French fries. You only order what you want to drink. Hopefully, you both eat meat!
Les Armures (part of old hotel next so Cathedrale de St Pierre in old town): incredible fondue!!! Lots of famous people (like the Clintons) have come to this place and loved it.
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..Getting into the White House – A Tour Story
Lazy Travelers
the hubs and i fell in love with le relais in paris! will definitely take a look at your other recommendations. xo!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Pola (@jettingaround)
Woooo!!! Great trip, ladies. Enjoy every minute. 🙂
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..Photo of the Week: John Hancock Center in Chicago
Lazy Travelers
thanks pola!! xox
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Mellisa Turner
You are kidding me! That is so much fun, so lucky.
Enjoy the trip !! The only thing December
is approximately 2 months away 😉 I wonder how you’ll contain the excitement
till then 🙂
Lazy Travelers
lots of viewings of the sound of music our in our immediate future to help us prepare, never fear!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
A bit late seeing this…Lucerne or ‘Luzern’ as they say in German, is a must – so pretty!!! Visited when I was 17, it’s fairytale pretty, especially thhe Chapel bridge 🙂 http://www.flickr.com/photos/visbeek/1250035027/
Fiona recently posted..How to Live the Made in Chelsea Lifestyle on a London Break
Lazy Travelers
ahhh it’s not on our itinerary right now, but we do have one day that we may just need to squeeze it in… thanks for the photo link, it look amazing!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..happy thanksgiving!