munich’s oktoberfest for the post-collegiate
When we were in college and the hubs was studying abroad in Nice, he sent me an email saying that he was going to Munich’s Oktoberfest with a few friends. Hearing from him during this weekend away was unfathomable, as these were the days before smart phones, FaceTime, and Snapchat. Lo and behold, on a Saturday afternoon in September, my dorm room phone rang and there he was. Entirely unintelligible, calling me from the phone booth in his hostel, via calling card.
I don’t remember much of the conversation. I only know there was a lot of slurring, a lot of laughing, and later, a lot of pictures of him and a huge group of Americans, Australians, and Germans passing around Burger King crowns in the Spaten tent.
As this was my sophomore year of college and I didn’t envision myself heading to Germany anytime soon, I figured my Oktoberfest days were pretty much behind me. Fast forward 7 years (holy crap), and I was wrong.
That’s right. Last week, I returned from a long weekend in Munich — the very last of the year for Germany’s most famous 16-day festival.
Here’s what I learned.
Book your hotel either well in advance… or exactly 14 days beforehand.
The hubs had to be in Munich for a work conference, so why not tack on a weekend of madness? It was all a little bit last minute as we tried to determine which days/nights he’d be shmoozing, and which ones we’d be boozing. We were on pause for booking anything until, like, two weeks before. Naturally, by this point, beds were moving fast. For awhile, I assumed we’d end up somewhere like this:
Ok, so it’s a modern prison cell… but it is in Germany!
Places on AirBnb that are normally £100/night were capitalizing on the craziness and charging a £250 “festival/conference” rate. The thought of spending over $1,000 USD for three nights in some stranger’s bed did not sound appealing to me in the least. In one last ditch effort, I googled “luxury apartments in Munich,” and found the very last room here.
For a small apartment with a kitchen and sitting area, we paid the same amount we would have for a place via AirBnb. I was positive there would be a catch… but seriously, there wasn’t. We definitely got really freaking lucky. I’m guessing that, based on their 14-day cancellation policy, people who had been holding rooms were releasing them at the very last second.
So, if time isn’t on your side, this is something to keep in mind.
See the city by accident.
We opted to keep our tent visits to Sunday (a wise, wise choice), and beerhopped our way around Munich on Saturday. We didn’t do an official tour, but we strolled all along the main streets, sharing pretzels and stopping occasionally for heartier fare. Our favorite traditional meal of the trip was at Der Pschorr. Weissen Bräuhäuser was a close second, and our favorite route home each night was through Marienplatz and past City Hall.
Aside from that? We didn’t actually see much of Munich. It’s a small, majorly walkable city. I can’t be sure, but I would say that Oktoberfest or not, a weekend is all you really need.
Watch where you step.
By the time we landed and it made it to our hotel, it was nearing 11 PM. Because we only had three nights in Munich, we weren’t going to weenie out of one despite a little bit of travel fatigue. We dropped our bags in our perfectly located apartment, just off of Marienplatz, and followed the (way-more-drunk-than us) crowd in search of beer.
As we pushed along, sensory overload took over. I was completely overwhelmed. People were falling off of tables, and bouncing off one another as they tried to enter the beer halls. Suddenly, the hubs dramatically slammed his arm across me and yelled, “WATCH OUT!!!”
…saving me from walking through a pile of puke. I would return the favor on our way to the tents on Sunday (yes, TO the tents) (AT 1 PM). Plus, because of the horses that take the kegs to and fro, we each did our best to avoid that resulting mess, too. We succeeded, but there were many close calls.
I’m making this sound really fun, right?
1, 2, 3, DRINK.
German is not the most, erm, intuitive language, but luckily, aside from a few dankes, no one seemed to expect us to say too much in Munich’s native tongue… until, that is, we arrived in the tents. As we sat at our first table, chatting and making new friends, we were a little startled when everyone stood up and cheered, “Eins, zwei, drei, G’SUFFA! PROST!” before slamming their steins and chugging their beers.
1, 2, 3, DRINK. CHEERS!
That’s some German we were more than happy to learn.
Brush up on your cheesy wedding songs.
The soundtrack to Oktoberfest is kind of terrible, but in the absolute best way. Each tent has a band raised on a platform in the center. They play the same exact mix of patriotic Germanic anthems and pop music so that everyone, no matter their language, has the chance to sing along.
Sweet Caroline, Volare, All the Small Things… I’m telling you, the soundtrack to Oktoberfest is strange and unexpected.
Also, I learned that the hubs knows, like, zero words to It’s Raining Men and I’m mildly disappointed in him for this.
Start off classy, then get CA-RAZY.
It worked out perfectly that the hubs had to be there for business, because we ended up nabbing an invite to a private table at the newest tent, Marstall. We sat at long tables, chatting with his colleagues over steins, giant soft pretzel, and lots of… radishes? For some reason, that’s the pre-dinner Bavarian snack of choice. This took a little bit getting used to. We were all a little silly by the end of our reservation (you buy them in three hour shifts, so our group’s tickets were from 3-6 PM). As the beermaids rushed us out, we realized that the beer had definitely gone to our heads.
From there, the hubs and I made our way to the next tent. I’m totally blanking on the name. We were meeting up with a group of INSEADers, who were, well, more than a few beers ahead of us. We did our best to catch up. By the end, we were standing on benches and scream-singing along to Sweet Caroline with the best of ’em.
Yeah, it’s blurry because our photographer wasn’t in the best state, either. But you get the idea.
Have a plan.
Though we never explicitly said it, I assume that if the hubs and I lost one another, we would meet back at our apartment. This guy, on the other hand…
He was pretty much on a tent-wide people finding mission, walking from table to table mumbling, “have you seen these people?!”
It was ineffective to say the least.
Ride the rides
One of the most surprising things, for me, was that outside of the tents is a full-blown carnival. I am not at ALL a fan of rides, but as we were leaving, the hubs and I both decided that one ride on the super silly rollercoaster clearly meant for children was in order.
It was us and a bunch of drunkies, and we screamed dramatically the entire time. I couldn’t nab a pic, but the quick view from the top of the rollercoaster was actually the perfect way to get an idea of just how huge the grounds are for Oktoberfest. Plus, I was crying laughing by the end.
So, the consensus?
I don’t see myself returning to Oktoberfest. It was an absolute blast, but one that I’m ok declaring as once-in-a-lifetime. Despite my misguided first impressions, it really wasn’t just all frat boys! There actually was a huge range of people there, and tons of families enjoying the carnival. Even so, with autumn being my very favorite time to explore Europe, I don’t know that I’d dedicate one weekend to a return to Oktoberfest.
But, you know, never say never…
the romantic

Christine | The Traveloguer
Sounds like a lot of fun, but messy! 🙂 I went to Munich years ago during the summer and it sounds kind of similar; lots of drinking and sing-alongs in beer halls!
I hope that poor guy found his friends. 🙂
Christine | The Traveloguer recently posted..Monochrome Monday- March Against Water Charges, Dublin
Lazy Travelers
good to know that even if it was a crazy weekend, munich is always full of beer & singing! i hope he found his friends, too. it was a valiant effort.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..oktoberfest for the post-collegiate
Well well well, I have to say that beer is not my drink so I will probably visit Munich (and that lovely Sofitel) at a different time of the year. BUT I have to say, the way I envisioned the tents were nothing like what you showed! So I have been educated – and they looked way nicer than I thought!
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..My hOtel: The Arch, London
Lazy Travelers
i thought the same about the tents! i didn’t realize that they’re inside structures that are there year-round–i was expecting literal pop up tents. but they were actually really nice, and, until the end of the day, super clean.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..oktoberfest for the post-collegiate
Mary Anne
DRINK! EAT! LAUGH! this are all things I like to declare so going to Oktoberfest is now on my list of things to accomplish in life.
Lazy Travelers
i think you’d find it HYSTERICAL. but you definitely need to be in the right frame of mind before you go haha
Lazy Travelers recently posted..oktoberfest for the post-collegiate
Lauren Hughes
Love this post, my friend was trying to persuade me to go with him there this year, he’s a big drinker though and I’m not sure I could keep up. I think that I would be very similar to you, in that this trip would be a one time kind of trip 🙂 xo
Lauren Hughes recently posted..India, the people make the place
Lazy Travelers
yesss, definitely try and go, but with a big group. we were more about the people watching than getting completely wasted, but can’t say the same for most of the people we saw… haha
Lazy Travelers recently posted..oktoberfest for the post-collegiate
This is my idea of hell. You make it look fun, you could sell anything.
Kim-Marie recently posted..Aruba – The Good – The Bad – The Sunny
Lazy Travelers
hahaha you know, my expectations were low. like, frat party from hell levels of low. but it really was a blast!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #62
This has our names written all over it! I’ve been to Munich twice, but never around Oktoberfest, I know shame. I think I too would probably declare it a once-in-a-lifetime thing too once I’ve been though. Hahaha
Kieu recently posted..7 things they don’t tell you about overlanding East Africa
Lazy Travelers
i’m soo glad we went, and it’s definitely worth doing! but i think once was perfectly enough 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: colleen of LEAP: a travel (but mostly food) blog
i love the photos of the tents. i have to go to Oktoberfest at some point. i already have the beer girl outfit after all.
lola recently posted..#LolasMRJourney – Week Three
Lazy Travelers
you and your hot pink dirndl would fit right in!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: colleen of LEAP: a travel (but mostly food) blog
So much fun! I would love to experience Oktoberfest in Germany.
HotMamaTravel recently posted..Halloween at Vail Lake Resort
Lazy Travelers
pretty sure you’d love it 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: colleen of LEAP: a travel (but mostly food) blog
Becky Padmore
Some of my family come from Munich so I have happy memories of family holiday at the festival, I’m still yet to go back as an adult though!
Becky Padmore recently posted..In BIG Pictures: the beautiful Galápagos Islands
Lazy Travelers
it’s probably much, much different as an adult 😉
Lazy Travelers recently posted..jetsetters: colleen of LEAP: a travel (but mostly food) blog
I don’t drink beer. But seeing these photos makes want to experience Oktoberfest as well! 🙂
miguel@projectmagellan.net recently posted..Seoul: Captured in 12 Photos
Emily Bitz
I lived in Munich for a year and I’m heading back! This just makes me more excited to go back haha. Thanks for your post 🙂