• no travel required

    no travel required

    Ohhh Monday blues, you are real this week. The wino is back from a lovely weekend in Baltimore, the romantic is back from a whirlwind week in Costa Rica, and we’re pretty much already dying for our next escape. So today, we’ll pretend that we’re both in the rainforest, hanging with some sloths and sipping Imperial Light.  Re-caps of the romantic’s adventures to come! xo, the romantic & the wino

  • new york,  weekend warriors

    the great gramercy sunday funday bar crawl

    Last weekend, I finally made my triumphant return to the city of all cities. My former stomping grounds, the home of the romantic & the hubs, the big old apple: New York City. Most specifically, I enjoyed the most perfect Gramercy Sunday funday. Unfortunately, my red-headed counterpart and her beau are zip-lining around Costa Rica. This meant couldn’t be in attendance, but I made sure I paid proper homage to one of my favorite cities. I very happily enjoyed a whirlwind 24 hours of drinking and eating. I have my gracious host to thank, the Scholar (remember her?), for showing…

  • pennsylvania

    the wino is a rolling stone

    Welp, I’ve been waiting until things were finally set in stone, and it looks like it’s official announcement time, travelers. In the never-ending saga that is my life, I have decided yet again to uproot myself and try out a different city. This is my one thousandth move in eight years, for those who are counting, and the least shocking announcement ever, for those who know me. While I’m a big fan of choosing a city at random (like the time I moved to Ireland having never been there before), I’ve decided that this time, I’m going for a repeat.…

  • jetsetters

    jetsetters: tawny of @CaptainandClark

    We get a little defensive when our weekly jetsetter is clearly cooler than us, but Tawny fits the bill. For one, she’s one half of the Captain and Clark, which sounds like a crime-fighting duo. For another, she met her co-blogging travel buddy ON Kilimanjaro. We met on the seventh grade school bus. Sigh. After you’re finished being impressed by royal falcon training and her genuine use of the word rucksack (HOW WILL WE EVER MEASURE UP?), hop on over to twitter to keep on keeping up! Favorite Place:  Not fair!  You started with one of the hardest questions first. …

  • inspiration & wanderlust

    the wino’s 2013 dream itinerary: down under

    After a whirlwind weekend in New York (more to come on that later), the travel bug is biting yet again. And hard. My mind is chock full of dream itinerary after dream itinerary, and I’m finding it hard to narrow it down to just one locale. After much deliberation (one full glass of wine to be exact), I’m pretttttty sure I’ve settled on Australia. Why? Mainly because my foreign language skills are rapidly depleting and they speak English in Australia, and also a little bit because the whole baby/dingo dilemma worked itself out, making me a little nostalgic for the outback.…