• no travel required

    no travel required

    In honor of Wine Wednesday: The New Rules of Wine  A time-lapse video of Paris? Sold. Paris in 2,000 Images We would definitely not survive drinking culture in Russia. Or Canada apparently, but for a very different reason. Never Fill Your Own Glass: 20 Foreign Drinking Rules and Customs You Need to Know Love the idea of having a theme when planning future trips. 2012: A Look Ahead Having seen multiple women riding their Vespas in sky-high heels, their reasoning for the renovations does not surprise us. Plans to Modernize Rome’s Cobblestone Streets We’re not hoping for a snowy winter,…

  • holidays

    it was christmastime in the city (and country)

    HOW on earth is Christmas already over? This weekend was so relaxing and everything Christmas should be but WHERE DID IT GO? Lucky for everyone, the rules of Christmas festivities clearly state that you’re allowed to celebrate all the way up through January 2nd, so I’m going to relive our Christmas, via photo essay. It started about a week ago with our skinny little tree on the Upper East Side, with pug in his little Christmas sweater, …and I in my new Louboutins (!) (and also pajamas because girl was not prepared for such a fancy Christmas). Then this weekend,…

  • no travel required

    no travel required

    Can’t say we support the idea of bullfighting, but I guess to each his own. Right, Ernest Hemingway? Bullfight: The Pas de Deux Since we’re both traveling back to Bucks County for Christmas, we can never get enough holiday travel tips! 10 Survival Trips for Holiday Travel Have you all started to notice our winter/holiday/Christmas theme that we can’t quite knock?? 10 Zany Winter Festivals Around the World Favorite Photo Essay of the day, brought to you by one of favorite bloggers. Finding Beauty in Height Officially adding the Scottish Highlands to our 2012 Travel Bucketlist. Mini Guide to Northern…

  • france,  paris

    paris packing plans!

    We are 42 days away from PARIS! Clearly what this means is that I need to focus on packing. We’ll only be there for two and a half days, so I don’t need to bring that much (lucky for hubs MORE ROOM FOR SHOPPING), and can get away with mixing and matching. Less fortunately, because it will be February, I’m locked into wearing my puffer the whole time. Hard to look chic while wearing a sleeping bag, but alas. Warmth -1, Cute Traveler – 0. Also, I feel compelled to note… this is by no means a shopping list. I…

  • jetsetters

    jetsetters: @2travelaholics – part two

    Happy Wine Wednesday! We may have celebrated a day early, but it was Christmas in Rockville last night and the romantic & hubs just had one of those Tuesdays, so who are you to judge? Hm? Luckily, Mr. T of @2travelaholics is here to cure our hangovers. Want to know something cute? Mr. & Mrs. answered their questions separately, and when they compared notes, they realized their responses seriously overlapped. Collective “AWWWW!” please. Thank you. Don’t forget to keep tabs on 2travelaholics on  twitter and their blog because their next trip is going to be AHHH-MAZING. Favorite Place: Prague, Czech…