• jetsetters

    jetsetters: @ilivetotravel

    Today’s jetsetter is Raul of I Live to Travel, who is impressive for lots of reasons, but mainly because he looks a lot like Matthew Broderick. Aside from this key fact, he’s also days away from jetting off to Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro for his second hike with for Trekking for Kids. We loved learning about his first adventure with the organization as he hiked through Romania, and now we’re even more excited to follow along as he battles altitude changes, crazy terrain, and a slow withdrawal from alcoholic beverages. Will he summit? Won’t he summit?! SUSPENSE. Follow along with…

  • rtw rookie

    rtw rookie: planning new zealand

    Well hello, my Lazy Traveling friends. In case you’re new here, I’m in the midst of planning my very own RTW. I’ve already tackled two versions of paradise, Hawaii and Fiji, so what’s my next assignment? Planning New Zealand! Ahh, yes. New Zealand. I feel like here is where my adventure begins. Photo Credit: I Live to Travel If I’m not sufficiently relaxed and sunburned at this point, then I have serious problems… During these first stops, I will be sure to provide you with frequent updates on my favorite local beverages, as well as my current position on the…

  • budapest,  hungary,  new york

    hungary in new york: our dinner at andre’s

    Like the good little bloggers that we are, we’ve been conducting strenuous research surrounding our upcoming jaunt through Eastern Europe. Mainly, this has involved a lot of procrastinating via Google Image searches and trying to name all the Czech beers we want to drink. Last night, we took our mission to the streets of New York in search of some true blue Hungarian food. To clarify: we walked about 50 feet from our apartments and met at Andre’s Cafe on 85th & 2nd to research what, exactly, Hungarian food involves. It turns out: we’re, like, really into Hungarian food. Let’s review,…

  • france,  paris

    travel flashback: a parisian photo essay

    One year ago today, the hubs and I were on our way back from one of the best travel weekends we’ve had to date: a snowy weekend in Paris. As per usual, I’m feeling a bit nostalgic for a weekend of red wine and snowy cobblestoned streets, but while the wino and I prep for a few more big travel announcements in the coming weeks, I thought I’d give you a mindless break via Parisian photo essay to, you know. Just look at some pretty pictures from our trip. Also, full disclosure: by “you,” I definitely mean myself. New York…

  • budapest,  hungary,  NEWS!

    eurotour update: budapest

    Ohhh fellow travelers, you must know how we feel. The weather in New York has been mental (read: below freezing one day then balmy and humid the next) which means we’ve been daydreaming an escape. Mainly: our June travels to Eastern Europe. What better way to kill the time than plan out our itinerary? After some serious back and forth on gchat, we officially decided to add another city to our Eastern European tour: Budapest.  We’ve told you before, we don’t exactly know much about Budapest, so we’re doing our due diligence to make sure we see all the right…