• #LTswitzerland,  NEWS!

    official travel announcement!

    We’ve been trying to figure out a way to say this eloquently… but our brains aren’t functioning properly, and really, eloquence isn’t our thing, so: WE’RE GOING TO SWITZERLAND, BITCHES. How did this happen? In typical Lazy Travelers fashion, we spent the morning emailing each other about our hangovers as a result from last night’s business dinner. When what to the wino’s wandering eyes should appear, but an email about airfare discounts to Europe! From there, the events rapidly unfolded: a flurry of emails back and forth about possible destinations, quick check with the hubs (he’s like, our unofficial business…

  • jetsetters

    jetsetters: @SomewhereOrBust

    Oh hi! We’re back! Back with a jetsetters vengeance! As you may recall, we (bitterly) missed out on TBEX Costa Brava. To ease our pain, we formed a little NYC tweet-up that Friday to drink our sorrows away and make new friends all at once. Things went swimmingly, and along with a bunch of lovely ladies, we also had the pleasure of meeting Noah of Somewhere or Bust. Get to know Noah, and then once you’re caught up, ask him on Twitter or Facebook how the hell he survived everything mentioned in his “imminent danger” answer below. Favorite Place: My favorite…

  • costa rica,  quepos

    pura vida: the moment you’ve all been waiting for

    Right as we settled into our gorgeous Quepos homebase, we decided to risk it all and schedule our ziplining excursion for the very next morning. The staff at Los Altos proudly recommended MidWorld, and with one brief phone call and plans for an early departure the next morning, our lives were officially on the line (ba dum chaaa, pun intended). For our possible last meal, we ordered an embarrassing amount of room service and binged on seafood while watching Missy Franklin take home gold. I felt confident that this was an acceptable last night on earth should I plunge to…

  • NEWS!

    the wino gets an extreme home makeover

    I’m extremely happy to announce that as of Monday afternoon, I officially have my own little slice of heaven on the Upper East Side. I’m talking my very first studio apartment in the Big Apple! I KNOW, right? Like most New York City apartments, the square footage of my new pied-a-terre isn’t much to talk about. Let me be clear. I’ll be lucky to fit a full-sized bed and perhaps one medium-sized chair in my bedroom/living room/all-purpose area. There’s also a good chance that when winter comes and I’m stuck inside due to the frigid NYC weather, I’ll experience a case…

  • costa rica,  quepos

    pura vida: living like a quepos queen

    Our Costa Rican adventure marked a few firsts for this girl: my first time in Central America (I don’t count our weekend in Mexico, as we saw 0% culture), my first time seeing airplanes for the death traps that they are, AND our first time using Jetsetter to book accommodations! Though we didn’t use Jetsetter for all five of our hotels–because that would just be excessive, clearly–we used it to book two: Tabacon Grand Spa, which we have since vetoed, and The Preserve at Los Altos. We don’t blame Jetsetter at all for our meh feelings on Tabacon, because we…