quarterlife crisis: finding luxury
Thanks to the European extravaganza that was our week in Switzerland and Dublin, we’re entering 2013 a little bit more enlightened. Call it a quarterlife crisis, call it growing pains. But we learned a lot!
We learned that not only are we able to live out of a backpack — we actually prefer it, under the right circumstances. Also, we learned that raclette exists and, more importantly: it’s a perfectly suitable meal! OH AND, we learned just exactly WTF l’Escalade really is… which, consequently, led us to learn that we will feel disappointment when we expect a human sacrifice and there is not one.
Most importantly, however, we learned that though we can handle pretty much anything when it comes to accommodations, this trip spoiled us. And trust us when we say, we don’t want to stop being spoiled. Apparently, our days of couch surfing and floor crashing are behind us. We don’t wake up feeling refreshed after a night in a bunk bed. We wake up achy, tired, confused… and OK FINE, usually hungover.
Unfortunately, as two girls in our late-20s living in Manhattan on a mid-level budget… yeah, nights at The Westbury can’t be our norm.
We love reading luxury travel blogs, of course. We drool over five-star hotels as much as the next girl! But, alas, it’s not always feasible. Right now, we just can’t justify a 10-day stay that will cost more than our rent. And guys, remember — we live in Manhattan. Rent here is NO F-ING JOKE.
However, there are ways to guarantee a few nights of luxury when a full week is unrealistic. No, you don’t have to cut out the pre-trip shopping spree. (Let’s be honest, you probably should.) You also don’t have to live on bread and cheese your whole trip. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Instead, we have a few other ideas on how to cut back the spending. The goal: make a couple of five-star nights feasible.
Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
More importantly: breakfast these days is usually free — especially in Europe. With the exception of our hostel in Geneva, every hotel had some version of a continental breakfast. Even if it was nothing more than a few pieces of fruit, bread, and cheese! It was still better than splurging on a full sit-down breakfast around the corner.
Where you can’t find a free option, opt for something cheap yet filling (hello, pain au chocolat). There was literally a day when we forgot to eat because we were so busy. Breakfast saved both our sanity and our bank accounts.
Travel during the off season.
The main street in Bern, almost entirely empty on a snowy Sunday in December.
Blah blah blah, we know, this one is obvious… but seriously. It makes all the difference in the world. Plus, if you’re a pair of misanthropes like us, it’s more enjoyable than the on season. Not to mention, there is a serious LT-esque added bonus here. If you travel during the off season, some of those “must-sees” may not be available. This ensures a guilt-free vacation of skipping things you really didn’t want to see in the first place. Then, when you get home and people are all aghast over the fact you didn’t see the Mona Lisa? You can be like “bitches, please, I was there in February and she was on tour.” (We have no idea if the Mona Lisa goes on tour. This is just a helpful example).
Explore a new neighborhood.
Just because you want to stay in a five-star hotel doesn’t mean you have to stay in the center of the city. The Westbury’s sister hotel, The Croke Park Hotel, may not boast city-center views, but it has the same Doyle Collection charm and levels of service with the added bonus of slightly lower rates.
Photo Credits: The Croke Park Hotel
Dublin is one of the most walkable cities we’ve ever visited, and venturing out to Croke Park offers you a new view of the city’s atmosphere that you may not have seen otherwise. Just remember–their on-season is aligned with the Croke Park Conference center directly next door, so it will take some research on your part. We were treated to a tour of the hotel, and our guide, Muireann, told us that their busy season is especially high at the height of hurling season or whenever the center is being used as a concert venue. However, their adorable terrace appeared to be an ideal place to visit during nicer weather, so this is, possibly, even more important to keep in mind.
Take home memories, not souvenirs.
We can mostly thank our backpacks for this one, but this was the first trip we’ve taken where we really didn’t buy anything, save a few tiny Christmas presents and new outfits for our last night (wearing the same flannels for seven straight days got OLD). Don’t get us wrong, we love the little tokens we’ve brought home from our travels over the years, but honestly, passing on those little trinkets adds up.
We’re taking these lessons to the grave, travelers. After all, we have exceptionally high standards after this past trip, and we’re trying to keep it that way.
the romantic & the wino
Disclaimer: The Doyle Collection treated us to a tour of the Croke Park Hotel, but we can honestly say that this is a great alternative for those looking to stay in a luxury hotel in Dublin at a lower price. Pinkies.

yup! when we travel we try to go off season — you can’t beat the prices for accommodations and car rental AND there’s not much crowd or tour buses
We also try to stay in nice/comfy places to ensure a decent breakfast and comfortable place to sleep in but we explore those hole in the wall restaurants that locals like or find ourselves in the market for great seafood 🙂 if you do fly to HK or Boracay, we can give you tips 🙂
Lazy Travelers
you can definitely find amazing food in offbeat places. definitely takes a bit more research, but is usually soo much more rewarding.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..quarterlife crisis: finding luxury
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
First, let me say that your Mona Lisa example had me giggling at work. Anytime “bitches, please” is used, I crack up.
Second, I really need to rein in my constant desire to buy everything I see to “remember” my trip. I (apparently) always seem to forget that I can capture my memories with a handy device called a camera or a journal. Thanks for the fabulous tips, ladies!
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..2012 Highlights
Lazy Travelers
full disclaimer: we did buy a few things. BUT we managed to get everything home in our backpacks. truthfully, it was more fun spending our money on dinners and fancy wine than buying any souvenirs!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #30
One thing I am also a great believer in: booking super early (or super late, but not willing to take the risk and not going). I am still not believing you fit everything in the backpacks. Just saying!
Lazy Travelers
haha we did, we swear!! packing cubes played a big role for the romantic, who had a little less space to work with.
and YES, booking early is helpful. also too much of a wimp to leave it to the last minute–what do you do if you can’t find a room?!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..itinerary reflections: what could have been
Raul (@ilivetotravel in Twitter)
I love to travel off season. So what if it is cold? Put on a scarf and enjoy more for the $$!
Raul (@ilivetotravel in Twitter) recently posted..The Highlights of Food and Wine in 2012. Mostly Food.
Lazy Travelers
agreed! we almost always travel during the off season and it makes a huuuge difference. will be in europe during the summer for the very first time this year… curious to see the differences.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the lazy travelers take europe: the romantic’s highlights
The World Wanderer
Great tips! Love free breakfast and find myself always eating it while traveling, even if I don’t make time for it at home. 🙂
The World Wanderer recently posted..Why You’re Never Too Old for Disney World.
Lazy Travelers
same! i wish i was better at breakfast, but usually it’s just a grab/go situation, unfortunately.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the lazy travelers take europe: the romantic’s highlights
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous)
I almost prefer off season… it can really be more authentic in nature, but don’t tell me to pass up on trinkets… no f-ing way.
stay adventurous, Craig
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous) recently posted..Sunset Sunday – Near South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Lazy Travelers
hahaha! you don’t strike me as a trinkets man, craig.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the lazy travelers take europe: the romantic’s highlights
Traveling Ted
Glad to hear you liked your foray into backpacking. You will soon be joining me for cross-country ski marathons and winter camping.
Traveling Ted recently posted..A night in the Guyana Rupunini Oasis Service Center
Lazy Travelers
ok, well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. ski marathons and winter camping are up there with scorpion bites and moonshine hangovers as far as things we’d like to experience.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the lazy travelers take europe: the romantic’s highlights
Leah Travels
I think the Mona Lisa currently on tour with Lady Gaga. That’s why I didn’t visit the Louvre in December anyway.
Leah Travels recently posted..Umbria, Italy: Cook, Eat, Drink, and Repeat
Lazy Travelers
this sounds very plausible.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the lazy travelers take europe: the romantic’s highlights