rtw rookies: the FAQs
As our plans have slowly leaked out to family, friends, and now, finally, both of our jobs, we’ve been faced with a lot of the same questions… over and over and over again.
I loved reading G & Q’s answers to their most commonly asked questions, and even though many of theirs are post-trip, I saw some definite overlap. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even fully answer now, I just distract people with shiny objects and then disappear into a cloud of smoke. But perhaps now I’ll direct them to this post?
Either way, whether you were wondering these things yourself or are in the midst of debating your own RTW trip, here are the three biggest reactions we’ve gotten:
Did you win the lottery?
or, the passive aggressive alternative: “Man, it must be nice to have so much money.”
Yes, we did and yes, it is! You know the megamillions? Totes won that. That’s why we’re stressing out over $200/day and wondering if we’ll ever really be ok with street meat!
No, we did not win the lottery. And, coincidentally, I know quite a few other RTW-ers who are traveling for an even longer time than us and also did not win the lottery… and aren’t independently wealthy/funded by their parents/traipsing around with a secret beneficiary, either.
I did, however, win at marrying the Rain Man of Microsoft Excel. Over the past year and a half, the hubs has diligently laid out a very clear and determined budget for the next five months. We figured out how much we’re able to spend, and each time something else is booked, the hubs adds it to his giant Excel bible. The whole thing makes my eyes cross and my brain immediately melt out of my skull, so if anyone is planning their own RTW trip and is interested in his Excel model, I’d love to connect you so that he has someone to talk to about it. Please. Someone.
The point is: it’s all possible if you or your travel counterpart understand the importance of planning your budget well in advance.
What are you doing after your trip is over?
or, the passive aggressive alternative: “So you just quit your job and that’s it? Wow, I wish I could do that.”
Feet up, we’re officially retired!
Unlike many RTW planners, we didn’t both reach a breaking point and decide this is it, we need a serious change, start planning, and quit our jobs. Notice I said we didn’t both do that. I 100% did that.
The hubs, on the other hand, is one of the few people I know in his 20s who really enjoys his job and his career path. Because of that, he decided, about a year and a half ago, that he wants to pursue his MBA.
Coincidentally, about a year and a half ago plus a few days, I had a panic attack in Heathrow International Airport when I realized I had to come back to New York to a stockpile of things that were making me very, very unhappy. The hubs talked me down (he’s also the Rain Man of handling my emotions), and when we got back to the city, we brainstormed how to fix this.
Alternative plans that were very seriously considered and you are welcome to use*:
- Develop a secret recipe for the best pizza/bagel/croissant EVER and take it to a place that doesn’t have very good pizza/bagels/croissants (the wino and I liked Dublin for this plan). Become a millionaire and live abroad!
- Teach your dog to talk and take him on a world tour, hopefully meeting lots of royals. Bonus points if he can also sing.
- Train to become the second woman to swim across the Atlantic and then, once you reach Europe, refuse to leave. Who’s going to make the second woman to swim across the Atlantic leave?
*These plans were less “very seriously considered” and more “immediately vetoed.”
Finally, we settled on this:
After five months of traveling, the hubs and I will then pack up once more and move to France. As of August, he will officially be in the class of 2014 at INSEAD, and I will officially be in the market for a goat so that I may learn to make my own chèvre (my exact plans are still TBD, but I get points for creativity, right?).
But what about the pug?!
There’s no passive aggressive alternative here, people are genuinely concerned about what we’re doing with our pug.
I don’t doubt that this will be the hardest part about leaving in 9 days.
Parker Jones–the pug of pugs, my furriest true love–alas, cannot join us on our five month trip around the world. I did find one couple bravely tackling this feat, but unfortunately, it’s not in the cards for this guy.
Luckily, we have excellent pugsitters! The hubs’s parents have graciously agreed (or were forced depending on which parent you ask) to take Parker for the five months we’re traveling, with my parents on standby. Then, upon our return, we’ll prep him for his big move to France. From life as a stray on the streets of Queens to a stint in Paris! Must be nice, pug.
Perhaps, as it gets closer, I’ll write a bigger post on our experience with moving a dog abroad, but until he’s wearing a beret and smoking a cigarette on the cobbled streets of Fontainebleau, I don’t want to jinx anything. I am happy to answer any questions about the process offline, though, so please don’t hesitate to ask!
I’m also more than happy to answer any other questions you may have, and if you’d like to discuss outside of the comments below, feel free to e-mail me at thelazytravelers [at] gmail [dot] com. I’m pretty open, so it’s unlikely you’ll ask me anything I deem inappropriate (ladies, happy to talk about the process of acquiring 6 months of birth control because THAT WAS FUN).
And that’s that, mes amis! We have a very exciting year up ahead, and have been extremely lucky that most people have responded with nothing less than sincere excitement and curiosity.
the romantic

I can identify with the puppy love! Arranging dog sitting for our adored black lab is always a tricky business for us. One idea: Leave some of your old, just worn T-shirts in Ziplocks bags and have your folks give LePug one shirt a month – he’ll get instant comfort from your scent on the soft fabric and won’t feel “strange” when you and your smell come back to him! Good luck!
Lazy Travelers
i love the t-shirt idea–i never would have thought of that. thank you!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..rtw rookies: the FAQs
Kieu ~ GQ trippin
Or, we recently discovered we had major trust funds we never knew we had.. NOT! LOL, you obviously didn’t share your winning lotto with us.. haha. Oh the questions. So glad pug has a place to stay!
Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..5 Essentials and Useless Things I Packed
Lazy Travelers
well, my friend from reddit told me that you guys are secretly 12 year old members of the royal family. it’s like i don’t even KNOW you.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..rtw rookies: the FAQs
Leah Travels
I’m so excited for y’all! I seem to recognize those model-worthy hands counting all the dough in the first photo. I think I found my calling ala George from Seinfeld. And that Parker, he’s a handsome boy.
Leah Travels recently posted..7 Great Things about Dubai
Lazy Travelers
yes, perfect! we’ve found your calling!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Anita Mac
Awesome that the puppy will be able to join you in France! Oh-la-la…he is in for a treat! PS…good luck on that swimming career! If you perfect the chevre…I am coming over. You will need an independent quality controller afterall! Oui oui!
Anita Mac recently posted..The Night I Slept In An Ice Hotel
Lazy Travelers
yes, monsieur pug will fit right in. will keep you posted on the chevre, for sure.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous)
nobody asked you about your health insurance? I can’t believe it… Did Obamacare solve that for you?
stay healthy, Craig
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous) recently posted..A Beach with History, the Petroglyphs of Las Labradas
Lazy Travelers
my answer to that is just a punch in the face and a quick “hope YOU have health insurance,” so it didn’t seem worth including.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required: #frifotos
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous)
nice…. although you must admit a photo for this story… a punch in the face… might have been cool to see… have an amazing trip.
stay healthy, craig
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous) recently posted..Sunset Sunday-The Sunset After Language Class in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
but i LOVE secret beneficiaries. or sugar daddies or whatever you call them that fund my habit of traveling.
seriously, so *excited* for you both. you’ve worked hard for this & while i’m jealous – you so deserve it ALL!
lola recently posted..why Montreal may be my home away from home
Lazy Travelers
oh, i mean, if i HAD a secret beneficiary, i’d be all over it! but alas, not the case at the moment 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
I am seriously enjoying your plan. I moved from Portugal, got married, went on honeymoon and 3 weeks later started my MBA. Next time, I am going to take 6 months off!
Well done for planning (MBA brains at work, clearly) and hope you have an amazing time! x
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..Love skiing, LOVED Verbier
Lazy Travelers
thanks mrs. o! we’re soo excited to visit henley!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
You should totally take your pizza/bagel/croissant idea to Dublin – heck roll them all into one- we’ll eat anything after closing time in the pubs;)
Fiona recently posted..Five Dublin Film Locations from Once
Lazy Travelers
see, we need to include you in our business pitch next time. perhaps the hubs needs to hear it straight from an irish person to see that this plan is GENIUS.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
D.J. - The World of Deej
Holy $hit balls…you’re moving to France? Where have I been? I guess it doesn’t matter, that is incredible news. You’re going to mail me some of that homemade chevre, right?
D.J. – The World of Deej recently posted..A Gift From The Travel Gods And A Failure To Pay It Forward
Lazy Travelers
it’s been slowly leaking out, deej, don’t worry–you weren’t toooo out of the loop. as soon as i get that goat, i’ll send you my first batch of chevre!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
Traveling Ted
Exciting news. Bonne Chance! I am with Deej, when did this come about? I go skiing in the north woods for a week and the whole lot is moving.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Exclusive unique GoPro video from the Birkebeiner cross-country ski marathon
Lazy Travelers
merci! we’ve been keeping it quiet since december–this was the first official reveal, don’t you worry!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
Tawny of Captain and Clark
So happy that you’re taking the pub baby to France with you! He’s going to LOVE it! 🙂 The Captain brought back our kitty from South Korea and walked away slightly traumatized. The baby had to go under the plane. If we were to do it again, we would have him with us in the cabin.
Tawny of Captain and Clark recently posted..An American’s guide to shopping in London.
Lazy Travelers
yeah, there’s noo way. he’s too old for that shit.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..photo essay: wynn las vegas
Pola (Jetting Around)
Trust fund babies… 😉 Love your “retirement” pic! Screw the naysayers and have tons of fun!
Pola (Jetting Around) recently posted..Photo of the Week: A pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina