rtw rookies: wrapping up in waikiki
After a week of the rugged, untouched beauty of the North Shore and Kauai, the hubs and I decided we’d spend two nights in Waikiki, which equated to about a day and a half because of our flight schedules.
Everyone warned us that Waikiki is very different than the rest of Hawaii, so we weren’t too concerned about limited time.
Everyone was right.
Waikiki is, for lack of a better comparison, the Times Square of Oahu. It’s the place you just kind of have to see for yourself, partly because if you tell people you’ve been to Oahu and haven’t seen Waikiki, they’ll think you’re weird.
We spent the first day exploring the area, seeking out cheap food, and avoiding too much time spent in our seedy hostel (which, really, felt like a trashy motel more than anything else.) To be fair, the hostel isn’t Waikiki’s fault–there are definitely nicer places to stay in the area. But that just added to the fact that our last two days were definitely affecting the romantic memories I had planned to take with me from Hawaii.
Here’s the thing though: Waikiki may be weird, but in the end, I’m really glad we spent time in this beachfront city. For one, any city that allows people to leave their office buildings and stumble out onto a beach can’t be all bad, right?
Yes, it’s overpriced, and yes, you’re probably not going to feel like you’re having particularly authentic experiences here compared to other parts of Oahu—but it’s still steeped in history and was a great mid-point for seeing Pearl Harbor and strolling on the beach while looking back at a skyline. When I return to Oahu, will I go back to Waikiki? No, probably not—the North Shore was way more my pace. But should you skip it completely? Definitely not.
After our brief two days, there was one takeaway from Waikiki that I fully recommend if you’re in the area (aside from Leonard’s, obviously):
Hike the Diamond Head Crater.
Dudes, I know. We’ve already discussed how this leg of trip changed me. But I am telling you the truth when I say that hiking Diamond Head was a really fun–and exhausting–way to spend the afternoon.
I won’t bore you with all the stats, but I do recommend reading up on the history of Diamond Head here if you’re unfamiliar. The main things I’d like to note:
- Known as Leahi (brow of the tuna) in Hawaiian, the crater was named Diamond Head by 19th century British sailors who thought they had discovered diamonds on the crater’s slopes. These “diamonds” were actually shiny calcite crystals that had no value. <<< well, that sucks.
- The 0.8 mile hike from trailhead to the summit is steep and strenuous, gaining 560 feet as it ascends from the crater floor.
Read: quick incline over a short distance. They warn you to dress appropriately and bring plenty of water before you begin the hike, and that is no joke, my friends. There is a food truck parked at the bottom of the trail, but due to the prices, definitely BYOW.
Sidenote: BYOW is such a fun acronym! I am now just saying “beee-yowwww’ in my head over and over again.
Anyway, after everything we’d eaten all week–and the looming threat of bikini season at its prime in Fiji–this strenuous work-out was, surprisingly, a welcome experience. Not to mention: the views from the top were amazing.
One of the best moments was when we noticed that we were almost parallel to this guy:
I don’t know about you, but I pick solid faux-diamond ground over a floating sleeping bag any day.
Because I kept snapping away, I’ll let my photos speak for the views from the top of the Diamond Head trail:
I recommend taking public transit to Diamond Head, and then paying the $1 walk-in fee. It’s for park preservation, so don’t be whiny. Driving into the parking lot will cost you about $10, and the tours we saw will run you about $15 pp… but, based on our experience, a tour is seriously not necessary.
However, should a tour tickle your fancy (history lessons and all that jazz), there are a few well-reviewed options through the Go Oahu Card.
Next up: the hubs almost gets killed by a pirate with a ukelele as we make our way to FIJI!
the romantic

Nicole @ Suitcase Stories
Waikiki was part of my very first international trip so many years ago so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Id love to go back and see what it would be like now that Im more ‘traveled’. Its on the list so hopefully that happens soon 🙂
Nicole @ Suitcase Stories recently posted..Talking Travel Budgets for Long Term or RTW Travelers
Lazy Travelers
definitely curious to know what you think after a re-visit! there were parts i found charming, but the crowds and the prices left me with a “one is enough” feeling.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..rtw rookies: wrapping up in waikiki
Paul Farrugia (globalhelpswap)
I have heard the same about Waikiki but I agree with you, it’s better to see places for yourself and then decide!
Paul Farrugia (globalhelpswap) recently posted..Welcome to Planet Earth: an all inclusive planet
Lazy Travelers
totally! would never dissuade someone from visiting it just because it’s ultra touristy, but would advise not to spend TOO much time in the area.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #40
Anita Mac
Love the photos from the hike. Looks beautiful
Anita Mac recently posted..Monday Morning Series: Kayaking in Wakefield
Lazy Travelers
definitely one of the best days we had. it was soo gorgeous… but hot!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #40
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
Haha a floating sleeping bag 🙂 Your photos are stunning! And almost enough to make me want to hike up a ridiculously steep mountain. Faux diamonds and all.
Please tell me you guys tried Lambert’s Ice Cream & Coffee while in Hawaii?!
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..April Foodie Pen Pals
Lazy Travelers
NO what is lambert’s!??!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
McGriddle Pants
I’ve been to Waikiki before and totally agree. On both fronts.
Its an experience not to be missed, but you can definitely do it a day or two.
We’re heading to Oahu in less than a month and can’t wait! Luckily we’re staying with a friend just north of Honolulu and will be spending most of our time on the north shore, or hiking or hitting a few museums.
But we’ll definitely be hitting Diamond Head. Thanks for the heads up on the $10 per car. We’ll definitely take the bus!
Can’t wait!
McGriddle Pants recently posted..titilating tuesday news
Lazy Travelers
ahhh jealous. eat all the malasadas you can handle!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
I like Waikiki. As a non-American it makes me feel like I’m “in America” which I love, plus the water temperatures tend to be warmer than some other beaches on Oahu.
I am looking forward to going to Wal-mart when I get to Honolulu next week, so I might be a bit weird, hehehe.
Lazy Travelers
very true re: water temps, and can definitely see how it feels more like america than the rest of oahu! i think maybe that was part of the reason i was meh about it–didn’t feel like much of an escape for us.
WAL-MART on the other hand. hahaha ay yi yiiii.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..turning our fijian frowns upside down
Charli l Wanderlusters
We flew into Waikiki as a week long layover on our way to Australia from the USA. I have to say we were so underwhelmed with the Chanel clad streets of the concrete jungle. It was not how I had pictured Hawaii at all. Don’t get me started on the price of hotels either! We escaped over to the north shore as quickly as possible. Loved reading about your diamond head hike. I wish we had made the trip up there now! What a view!
Lazy Travelers
definitely glad we were able to find something to keep us occupied because i toootally agree with you. i kept telling the hubs we should ditch the rest of the trip in favor of a chanel bag or two. he wasn’t as amused as i was.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..turning our fijian frowns upside down