rtw rookies: yes, we packed more.
Oh, you guys didn’t think this was all I packed, right? Bahaha, silly YOU.
Aside from the clothing-type items discussed in my first packing post, the hubs and I each brought one other bag for our extra stuff. You know, laptops, liquids, the usual.
Let’s discuss.
Departure day luggage capture, courtesy of @_theHubs.
The Tech Nonsense.
- 2 iPhones & 2 chargers (curse you, iPhone 5!)
- 1 Kindle & charger
- 1 iPad Mini & charger
- 3 sets of headphones (they’re the little iPhone ones so we just threw three in a bag without thinking)
- 2 headphone splitters (we didn’t know which one worked and because we’re idiots, we didn’t check in advance)
- 1 Canon 60D & charger
- 2 Canon lenses
- 3 memory cards
- 1 FlipCam (probably a stupid thing to bring but whatever)
- 1 Ollo Clip for iPhone
- 2 luggage locks
- 1 headlamp (for camping in NZ… I don’t know, I blame the hippie at REI)
The Randoms.
- 1 laundry bag
- 1 tote bag
- 2 travel towels
- 2 sleep sacks
- 2 pillow cases – an adorable 2nd anniversary gift from the hubs, these were my “cotton” present this year. “So that we’ll always have luxury on the road, even in the sketchiest of hostels.”
- Safety pins
The Toiletries.
- Body wipes
- Toilet seat covers
- 1 inflatable headrest
- 1 steri pen (again: camping necessity brought on by the team at REI, who I’m wondering if maybe they’re con artists?)
- 1 pocket body wash*
- 1 pocket laundry detergent*
- 1 pocket shampoo*
- 1 sunblock stick
- 1 mosquito repellent stick
- 2 mini tubes of Sensodyne because I have the teeth of a 96 year old woman
- 2 toothbrushes with caps
- 1 pack of q-tips
- 5 razors for me
- 1 electric razor for the hubs
- Floss
- Deodorant
* these items are in little tiny packs and look like Listerine strips and THOROUGHLY freak me out, REI. Does anyone else see the common thread here?! (No, not me. Aside from me. Though I am clearly part of the problem).
The Make-Up. Oh Yes, The Make-Up.
- Concealer
- Blush
- Mascara
- Lipgloss
- Chapstick
BE PROUD OF ME. That is all the make-up I brought!
The Medicine.
- 5 boxes of birth control
- 2 packs of Malarone
- 2 z-packs
- 2 packs of cipro
- 1 bottle of anti-anxiety meds
- One bajillion contact lenses & solution because the hubs’s sensitive lady eyes require DAILIES. My three jackets & one vest aren’t looking so dumb now, eh?
- Sudafed
- Neosporin
- Advil
- Dramamine
- Band Aids
- 1 bottle of Advil
- Airborne
- E-boost
- Blister block
Surefire way to confuse a pharmacist? Ask them to fill prescriptions for anti-anxiety pills, 5 boxes of BCPs, and 2 z-packs. Also, unfortunately I read after our prescriptions were already filled (and fights with pharmacists were already had) that we probably could have just gotten these things on the road, and for way cheaper. However, having battled killer food poisoning while traveling once before, we want access to that cipro and we want it now!
I see our medicinal list as super-preventative, and I won’t be upset if we don’t use much of it… but if I wake up with a headache, no one wants to wait until we can pick up Advil. I’m a monster.
And that, my friends, is our full list of travel necessities—or at least what we’ve deemed necessities thus far. So, how ridiculous do you think I am? What am I missing that I didn’t even think to include and you’re all “omg, you IDIOT” ?? Speak up!
the romantic

Anita Mac
Quite the list. Well done! I feel for the hubs….a fellow contact lens wearer!! Happy travels.
Anita Mac recently posted..Monday Morning Series: Life is in session
Lazy Travelers
see, you guys just need to be more like me and refuse to wear your glasses OR your contacts! i may be blind, but at least i pack light
xo the romantic
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Good list! I like that you also posted a photo of the luggage, so I can see how much space everything you got there takes. Will use your list for my next travel packing, that’s for sure

Violeta recently posted..On the Beach All-Inclusive Holidays: Relaxing or Boring?
Lazy Travelers
so glad it was helpful!! will report back in a few months if anything seemed like a bad choice, but two weeks in and we’re feeling pretty good

Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Y’all backs are going to be hurting . Still a lot . Remember u can buy stuff on the road and those sleep sheets , y’all staying in hodtels
Yolanda recently posted..Fashionable Treats Good Enough to Eat- Lanvin x Ladurée
The hubs here! We’ve actually used most of our items in some way already. Sleep sacks and head lamp came in VERY handy during our home stay in a traditional Fijian village. Our medicine kit has helped us through headaches, pet allergies, and bug bites brought on by a variety of planes, trains, boats, and automobiles, as well as the full gamut of basic to luxury accommodations. Feeling prepared so far!
I traveled for 2 year and I didnt use half the stuff I packed. But then again u never know what you might need. So it it hard. But the Meds is a must. The clothes, make up and otherstuff is moe essential. But then again I’m so low maintenance
Yolanda recently posted..Fashionable Treats Good Enough to Eat- Lanvin x Ladurée
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
Headlamps are amazing! I bring mine everywhere, especially when staying in hostels or rooming with someone else (obvi for camping too, duh).
I also always bring a bandanna with me. I probably look like a chola-wannabe (especially since mine is red…), but they can be used as a napkin, handkerchief, hand towel, butt protector for sitting on sketchy-looking benches/the ground, dirty hair cover up, wash rag, tourniquet (ya know, in case I slice an artery or something)… and the list goes on.
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..How to Hula
Lazy Travelers
i seriously was like… headlamps?! used once already and we haven’t even made it to our nz camping stint, yet. love the bandana idea–never would have thought of that!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required