swiss eats: plus de fromage, s’il vous plait!
One of our favorite and most anticipated parts of traveling is eating… obviously. Doesn’t that go for everyone? This was particularly true when we started to research Swiss eats.
Prior to our trip, we had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Cheese, chocolate, more cheese, maybe some more chocolate, definitely more cheese. Though we certainly got our fill of both, we happily made a few additions to our list of Swiss staples. They can eat, that’s for sure.
Raclette and Fondue!
We were told by B&K that we had to try raclette long before we touched down in Switzerland. Before dining at Le Caveau in Verbier, all we knew was that raclette involved cheese and possibly potatoes, which was enough to sell us on the idea that raclette had to be our first official Swiss dish (and maybe every Swiss dish thereafter).
After après ski and a very cold–but very charming–walking tour of Verbier, we were assured that Le Caveau was the place for raclette. We happily agreed to try the truffle fondue along with the raclette. They handed us a plate of melted cheese, a side of sliced beef, and a basket of boiled potatoes. We’ll be honest… it was a little confusing. Not knowing the proper raclette etiquette, we started by dipping the boiled potatoes in the melted cheese. So simple, and yet so…absolutely delicious? When the raclette man (is there an official name for this, Swiss food connoisseurs?) came over to take our plate for seconds, we asked his advice on the proper and more ladylike way to eat raclette (there isn’t).
Cameras in hand, we then asked if he could demonstrate how they made the raclette, and he happily obliged:
After warming the cheese under a flame, they then scrape the top bubbling layer onto a plate.
And thus, our dream of owning a raclette machine of our very own was born.
Between three plates of raclette and a huge bubbling pot of literally THE MOST DELICIOUS fondue we’ve ever eaten, we reluctantly put a stop to the never-ending plates of cheese. Our new friend told us that the average diner ate around 7 plates (like, how? we had THREE!) and the record at Le Caveau was 37. Ce n’est pas possible!
Final verdict: More, please.
– Here is where we note that we were guests of Verbier Tourism, who comped our dinner at Le Caveau. We can assure you that opinions are 100% our own. We would dine again at Le Caveau without batting an eye. Do note that we are, maybe, slightly biased. But that’s only because we have a strong and unhealthy adoration for cheese.
We did pretty well parlez-ing the francais for most of our trip, but when we had lunch at Brasserie Bavaria in Lausanne, we were a little thrown off by the German/French mash-up of words. We couldn’t quite decipher everything on the menu so we went with what we knew–chevre chaud (hot goat cheese, ahthankyou) and soupe de pommes de terre (potato soup, mmmmk).
Our lunch was delicious, but right as we finished, our neighbor’s meal caught our eye. The women had two heaping plates of what looked like potatoes with cheese and fried eggs on top. For research’s sake (and, fine, for our tummies’ sake, too) we had to ask what they were eating. Rosti!
Apparently Rosti is sort of a national dish in Switzerland. It’s commonly made up of grated potatoes, much like the American hashbrown. It’s entirely more delicious-looking. After our lunch in Lausanne, we went on a hunt for rosti everywhere. And failed.
Final verdict: MUST TRY THIS. Does anyone know of a restaurant in NYC that serves rosti?
Not to sound pretentious, but no one serves coffee better than the Europeans. Though the romantic only drinks coffee from time to time, the wino regularly starts her day with 3-4 cups of joe. Upon our arrival in Geneva, both of us grabbed a coffee before getting on the train to Verbier, and nothing, nothing, nothing could have been a better indication that we had finally touched back down in Europe.
Final verdict: We’ll miss you European coffee. Very, very much. Back to our regularly scheduled New York variation.
Relais de l’Entrecôte
One of the romantic and the hub’s favorite spots in Paris is the famous Relais de l’Entrecôte, which they happened upon somewhat mistakenly when staying in St.-Germain-des-Prés. When we noticed a Relais in Geneva on our first night, it was no contest on where we were stopping for dinner. We arrived about twenty minutes after they opened and the line was already out the door. After waiting (somewhat patiently) until we could finally snag a tiny table, we sat down, told our server how we like our steak cooked, and waited for their signature steak frites to start rolling in.
Best news: they keep refilling your plates until you tell them otherwise.
Final verdict: Don’t expect smiles or stellar service from the staff (we were shamed for ordering a second bottle of wine). Do expect all you can eat frites and perfectly cooked steak.
Along with coffee, Europeans just have a better grasp on breakfast. We’re used to shooting out of bed and grabbing something on the go. Honestly, that’s if we even have breakfast at all! Europeans, alternatively, cherish their mornings. Take, for instance, our breakfast at BnB Lausanne:
Breakfast for two: fresh bread, cheese, fruit, orange juice… and muesli!
Our host explained that muesli is made up of oats, yogurt, and fresh fruit. A Swiss nutritionist developed it in the early 1900’s and over time, it’s become a staple. Though it was the perfect breakfast food, she noted that most families always keep muesli on hand. They will often have it as a light snack or lunch–especially in the summer. We have yet to make muesli at home (yeah, we fell back into old morning habits real fast upon return). But we swear that someday we’ll make it a staple in our homes, too.
Along with plus de croissants, pain au chocolat, a mug or two of hot chocolate, and cheese in various other forms, we left Switzerland with pants that fit a little tighter.
It was worth it.
the romantic & the wino

I think I could become a Rosti man very easily. Are there Swiss restaurants in NYC? It’s very tough to find Swiss wine!
Lazy Travelers
swiss wine and rosti! let the hunt begin!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..swiss eats: plus de fromage, s’il vous plait!
OMG, where can we get some raclette around here?!!
Kieu recently posted..Tasting Hungary in Budapest
Lazy Travelers
right?!! come back to new york and we’ll find a place!
D.J. - The World of Deej
You’re killing me here! Do let me know if you find a place for Rosti…sounds awesome!
D.J. – The World of Deej recently posted..The King & Prince Resort – St. Simons Island
Lazy Travelers
we’re on a serious hunt.
Ladies – LOVING all the Swiss posts! I just tried Muesli this weekend for the first time and am obsessed! There’s a woman who just started a business where she delivers delicious freshly made muesli to offices every morning – let me know if you want her contact info!
AmySho recently posted..Why Travelers Were Likely To Fare Better in NYC’s Blackout
Lazy Travelers
how is that even a thing?? do you know of a lady that delivers raclette to offices? ps. drinks soon?
Tawny of Captain and Clark
What the what?! Cheese is probably my #1 favorite food with potatoes coming in at a close second. Combine the two and I might fall into a deep food coma. Someone would have to literally pry me out of the restaurant.
Lazy Travelers
had we not been pretty jetlagged, we would have just sidled up next to the raclette man and asked him to scrape the cheese directly into our mouths.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..hostels & hotels & chalets, oh MY!
Pola (@jettingaround)
Cheese and potatoes?!?! I’m in. And how cute is the coffee cup? I agree that Euro breakfasts are great. The very idea of a slow morning is definitely up my alley. I am not an early riser, but sometimes the extra 10-15 minutes can make a huge difference. Great post!!
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..Photo of the Week: Boats in the San Diego Harbor
Lazy Travelers
all the dishes had the same pattern at the milk bar–we were obsessed!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..hostels & hotels & chalets, oh MY!
Leah Travels
Can’t WAIT to have all of this and MORE! Gosh damn, I love CHEESE.
Leah Travels recently posted..Part Deux: Screw the Louvre…I’m Dining with Lionel Richie
Lazy Travelers
mail us some raclette, s’il vous plait!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..hostels & hotels & chalets, oh MY!
I agree for the european coffee and Müesli part – but honestly, you love Rösti? I’m Swiss and dont’ like it at all… probably I had too much as child 😉
Anita recently posted..Wo man die Löcher im Gebäude findet
Lazy Travelers
we didn’t actually get to try it!! it’s bad!? don’t ruin our dreams, anita!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..hostels & hotels & chalets, oh MY!
raclette raclette raclette – absolutely adored it! and never ever heard of rosti! re: breakfasts, wait until you get yourself to Portugal. I am not joking
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..A stay at The Westbury Hotel in Dublin by @lazytravelers
Lazy Travelers
will you meet us there and show us all that portugal breakfasts are made of?!
Traveling Ted
Eating the local cuisine is one of my favorite adventures as well. Great that you go to have oodles of chocolate and cheese and ate some things you have not tried before.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Bird paradise driving into the Iwokrama Rainforest in Guyana
Lazy Travelers
yes, food exploration is most definitely key.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Raul (@ilivetotravel in Twitter)
I’ve been to that Relais de l’Entrecôte in Geneva and it is just delicious. Staff may not be friendly by U.S. standards but 1. I am not there for the staff and 2. our U.S. standard is a little “too sweet” for me! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed great food in Geneva.
Raul (@ilivetotravel in Twitter) recently posted..A Year (or the World?) Ends… Either Way, I Travel
Lazy Travelers
ha yes, this is fair. we’re just a little salty over the second bottle of wine shaming.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #29
great. i’m never going to loose this extra poundage i gained on my Eurotour! i hope Switzerland likes me ok. i always order a second bottle of wine 😉
lola recently posted..my controversial musings for 2012
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
Soo.. It sounds like if I go to Switzerland I’m going to HAVE to backpack so I can burn off all of the calories from all of the cheese I’ll be eating. Your pictures are making me drool at work!
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..2012 Highlights