the romantic’s #LTeuropa highlights
Psh, you didn’t think I was going to let the wino re-live her favorite #LTeuropa moments without diving into my own, did you?
Alas, after reading her post, I realized… our favorite moments overlap, like, a lot. This probably shouldn’t surprise you, but I was hard pressed to come up with things I loved more than the wine, the road trip and the reunion.
But then I remembered: I spent two weeks in Europe with the hubs and two of our best friends. It’s actually harder to narrow down my highlights because really, pretty much everything was a highlight.
So, along with everything the wino said, here are just a few more of my favorite parts of our reunion.
The Food // I spent a lot of our time in Southeast Asia craving real carbs, and Eastern Europe did not disappoint. Between our food tour & a proper spoiling from the Four Seasons & the great strudel extravaganza, it’s a wonder my pants still fit. (Full disclosure: part of that might be because I rarely wear pants.)
Though we could have had better weather during our time in Vienna, cooler temps meant I was constantly craving goulash, dumplings, and anything doughy and fried that was sent our way. To be honest? I probably would have passed on most of the heavier local fare if it was warmer. So, thank you, weather gods, for knowing just what we truly needed.
And of course, let’s not forget the breakfasts.
The Style Points // I love the hubs. He’s the bees knees, my other half, all that mushy stuff. But… a best girlfriend he is not. He’s significantly less fun to get ready with, because he gets ready in about five minutes and then sits and “reads” the “news.” ZZZZZ, amiright? Also, although I have taken to raiding his closet more than he ever thought possible, he just doesn’t accessorize like the wino.
I don’t care if it’s shallow. After living out of a backpack for four months, it was a MAJOR highlight that my wardrobe increased dramatically with the arrival of my bestie.
The Accommodations // The hubs and I arrived in Budapest after a sixteen hour overnight train ride from Croatia. And even though we loved our hosts in both Montenegro and Croatia, it had been two solid weeks of less than comfy sleeping arrangements. The fact that our bed at the Four Seasons Gresham Palace was the second most amazing bed in all the land was a DREAM. (The first, in case you’re wondering, belongs to the W Vieques.) Though we had some bad moments (see: the Radisson Blu debacle and the DUNGEON), we nailed it when it came to picking accommodations in the very best locations, and I’ll never regret the fact that we had our own little apartment for one full week in Vienna.
And there you have it, mes amies! Our #LTeuropa coverage has…gulp…come to an end. Though we don’t have anything definite on the horizon, we can guarantee a reunion is in our near future… perhaps early 2014?? Stay tuned.
the romantic

Mary Anne
I often find it difficult to describe a trip when the whole thing was a “highlight” I know what you meant. Sometimes I just can’t put the experiences into words. You did it well.. thanks for sharing.
Lazy Travelers
thanks! that’s been one of the hardest parts about catching up post-rtw. everyone asks “how was it?!” or “what was your favorite part?!” and don’t seem satisfied when we say “…pretty much all of it.” haha
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required: #frifotos
Raul (@ilivetotravel)
You certainly are very lucky to have all these experience and share with very important people in your life!
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..Manila Relaxation
Lazy Travelers
i 100% agree, raul! 2013 has been very good to me 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required: #frifotos
O my gosh…the food in the pictures look so good!
Renuka recently posted..Thar Desert – A Safari To Remember
Lazy Travelers
it was delish! fatty & filling & oh-so-unhealthy, but delish 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required: #frifotos
Erin at The World Wanderer
Haha, I love the part about getting ready with each other. It’s so true, getting ready with your favorite girlfriend is better than anything else. Also…that food! YUM!
Erin at The World Wanderer recently posted..A Wish to Spend New Year’s Eve in Barcelona.
Lazy Travelers
right?! the hubs just doesn’t answer my “does this look ok?” questions with the same gusto.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: autumn weekend
I still don’t know how you were able to live out of a backpack for so many months. Kudos to you. I’m too much of a clothes horse to be able to even consider such a thing. Well done, romantic.
Leah recently posted..My Top Three Airplane Aggravations
Lazy Travelers
you and me both. i don’t even want to talk about how severely i underpacked for our move as a result. luckily i’ve been given the clearance to shop in barca this week. i’m dyyyyying.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: autumn weekend
Sounds like an amazing time. And there’s nothing wrong with pure glee at having your wardrobe double. I lived out of a backpack for a month and had enough of it, already!
Sally recently posted..Snapshots of Istanbul
Lazy Travelers
i like that the girls definitely get it. i really was doing ok! and then we got to europe and i just felt shlubby.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: autumn weekend
It all looks so beautiful – can’t wait for my trip to Vienna in a couple of weeks now
Fiona recently posted..How to Travel Like an A-Lister in Dublin Airport
Lazy Travelers
ahh you’re going to love!! can’t wait to follow along!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #46
Traveling Ted
That post made me tear up. It reminded me of the sad moment when the wino left RWTBEX a night early.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Running, walking, and peeing the Chicago Marathon
Lazy Travelers
curse the wino and her too-soon departures!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..laws to travel by – #46
OMG cannot wait to see your face and get dolled up with you for almost an entire week. can you get shopping clearance in Paris and Amsterdam too?? xo
lola recently posted..Hotel Le Germain, #Montreal – by @JETSETextra @TheWrldWanderer & @loladimarco
You made me smile about your getting ready comments… I know what you mean! And when is the next reunion? Come on!
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Pola (@jettingaround)
Good job living out of a backpack… Not sure if I could do it. Love that wardrobe photo – makes me think of a movie set. GLAM
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