the wino’s year full of thanks
The romantic’s post got me thinking. I don’t say thank you nearly enough. As New Yorkers, we’re guilty of letting a lot of things fly by without really savoring them. I have many things to be thankful for, but let me highlight a few that have stuck out in 2012:
New York City
This time last year, I was preparing to move south to the suburbs. Aaaand after a brief stint in the DC area, followed by an even briefer stint in Bucks County, I’m back in the New York groove. We have our ups and downs, but I’m not ready to give up on you just yet, New York. Oddly enough, I think you’re bringing out the best of me this time.
a view of downtown manhattan from the hudson rooftop
Red Wine
I mean. I am who I am.
mon amour
The Jersey Shore
During a time when my budget simply did not allow for international travel, the Jersey Shore has proven an amazing close-to-home travel alternative. For as long as I can remember, I’ve spent time down the shore every summer. It hurts my heart to think that next summer, due to Hurricane Sandy, I may not be able to go to some of my favorite Jersey Shore destinations, so I’m incredibly thankful for all of the time I was able to spend there this past year. You’re a real gem, Jersey, no matter how bad MTV makes you look.
sea isle city, nj
A Partner in Crime
Somehow, after fourteen years of friendship, my co-blogger and bestest most red-headed friend and I never get sick of each other. We spend so much time together that people tend to confuse the two of us. We’re two different people, but we think we compliment each other preeeeeeeeeetty well.
a wino & a romantic.
Let it be known that this is certainly not an inclusive list. I have many, many more things to be thankful for, and I could never sum them up in a blog post. To those that aren’t outlined here, you know who you are– (Parker the pug, other forms of alcohol, homeland, etc etc).
the wino

sweet. and so nice to have a bestest friend……………….I remember going to P and seeing you in plays and giving rides, nice…………..
Lazy Travelers
seems like forever ago! xo!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the wino’s year full of thanks