this is the time we got locked in a dungeon

We’ve gone back and forth on how to tell this story–which has since been referred to only as “the incident.” Some of us still haven’t fully healed from that night. Some of us never will…
But finally, we’re ready. We’re going to tell you our story, and we’re going to do it the best way we know how.
Via GIF.
It all started after our BBQ.
With one guest left, we decided to ignore the fact that it was nearing our bedtime (9 PM) and take advantage of our last night in Vienna.
We brushed our hair, the romantic gave the wino some blush…
and we headed out for one last hurrah. (The hubs is a total Miranda)
There were pints, there were shots with irritated waitresses and–most importantly–there was drunk eating.
Don’t judge, the drunk eating was imperative, as we had the earliest of early train rides the very next morning.
As we made our way home and walked through Judenplatz one last time, we took a contented collective sigh and agreed that it had been a good week. We were officially ready for Prague. We got in the elevator, and the hubs pressed the button to head up to our fifth-floor apartment for one last night of sleep.
And this is how we felt… when the elevator suddenly lurched:
The hubs realized the elevator was mysteriously jammed, and wouldn’t go back up… but still remained calm:
This is how we wish we had reacted when the hubs informed us that the elevator wouldn’t go back up and we were now locked in a basement:
… but this is how we actually reacted:
Ok, fine, this is how we ACTUALLY reacted:
Whatever, the wino’s boyfriend wasn’t handling things much better.
We sat in the crypt. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. We were wasting away.
After about an hour (allegedly), there was a noise…
and a mysterious Viennese man opened up the dungeon door above our heads.
We were finally free!!!!!
We raced up the stairs to tell our host of the horrors we had seen.
Annnnnd this was our host’s reaction to our predicament:
(except she said it in German, which cut even deeper.)
Naturally, this was our reaction to our host’s reaction:
Indignant, we put ourselves to bed–knowing we would have to get up in three short hours to catch our train to Prague. We hadn’t packed, we hadn’t organized… but we had a job to do.
And that job was get out of this apartment building alive.
So, the next morning, we carried all of our luggage down five flights of stairs (the elevator was too dangerous):
And provided the wino’s very hungover boyfriend with just a little bit of assistance…
But all’s well that ends well because eventually–finally–we made it.
We have never been so relieved for a train to pull into its station.
There are a lot of places we can’t wait to re-visit in Vienna… but it’s safe to say that the basement of that apartment in Judenplatz is NOT one of them.
the romantic & the wino

Thanks for the great reenactment! I felt like I was their with you guys!
Simone recently posted..Happy Birthday Yosemite National Park!
Lazy Travelers
thank your lucky stars you WEREN’T there with us!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..this is the time we got locked in a dungeon
Love this post SO much!
Nadine recently posted..Tales from India: Swaminarayan Akshardam
Lazy Travelers
Lazy Travelers recently posted..this is the time we got locked in a dungeon
Tawny of Captain and Clark
Well done. I wish all stories were told with GIFs! Also, terrifying. I hope no one is claustrophobic!
Tawny of Captain and Clark recently posted..Honeymoon Captain and Clark Style
Lazy Travelers
right?! they make everything so much better! and we were less concerned about the tight spaces, more concerned about the definite SAW-type scenarios we were envisioning.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..this is the time we got locked in a dungeon
Too funny – even for a Friday. My cheeks hurt from smiling 🙂
Frankie recently posted..Ten Things All New Self-Publishers Must Do
Lazy Travelers
Lazy Travelers recently posted..this is the time we got locked in a dungeon
Erin at The World Wanderer
Hahahaha, dying right now. Seriously, best post ever. I love you ladies…so glad you got out alive!
Erin at The World Wanderer recently posted..Welcoming Fall in Warwick, New York.
Lazy Travelers
as are we, erin. as. are. we.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required: #frifotos
Raul (@ilivetotravel)
This is one of the funniest posts I have read – awesome! Get stuck again some time soon.
Lazy Travelers
i don’t know if we can willingly get stuck again, but we will most certainly re-tell more stories via gif in the future. stay tuned!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
Pola (@jettingaround)
Hahaha… Pardon for laughing at your misery, but this is how great travel stories are made. As long as you made it out safe, it’s fair game, right? 😀
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..Photo of the Week: Krakow’s Main Square in the afternoon
Lazy Travelers
yes yes, fair game. but only because we lived to tell the tale!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
lola dimarco
HAHA LOVE. the gifs make me feel like I was there with you. HA
Lazy Travelers
we wish you had been, i feel like boas would have made this even better.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
What a cute story to describe something so scary! We’re sorry that happened to you ladies, but all is well that ends well! And really, what a funny story! 🙂
Lazy Travelers
IT WAS SO SCARY! but we lived to tell the tale, and for that we are grateful. also for that lovely viennese man who lived in the same building and worked the night shift that evening.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
Without a doubt, your funniest if not best blog to date!
Lazy Travelers
thank you, thank you.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
Would it be extremely juvenile to say that this is one of my favorite posts ever in the history of the Internet?
Leah recently posted..10 Things to Know before Visiting Texas
Lazy Travelers
no no, not juvenile at all. we welcome praise. tell everyone you know! the lazy travelers HAVE ARRIVED! (leave out the part about how we’ve arrived from a crypt, we don’t want to scare them.)
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: english puddlejumping
Hahaha thanks for the laugh. Sounds terrifying.
Sally recently posted..Snapshots of Istanbul
Lazy Travelers
it was!! but luckily, it didn’t take too long before we could laugh about it. (i.e. the next morning)
Lazy Travelers recently posted..style spotter: autumn weekend
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels)
HIGH-larious! Glad you made it out ok to tell us this story via GIF. But, uh, would you mind telling me exactly which Go With Oh apartment – dungeon – caused you such terror? I hope we’re not staying at the same one in Vienna in April!
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted..Does Your Hotel Have a Carbon Monoxide Detector?
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shose
This is easily the best internet post ever. It totally made my Friday! So glad you all made it out alive and relatively unharmed!!
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