travel announcement: la france!
Paris is always a good idea. At least that’s what I believe. And apparentlyyy, so does my boyfriend.
After telling me for months that our schedules — and more importantly, our wallets — wouldn’t allow for a trip to visit the romantic and the hubs until at least 2014, my boyfriend finally convinced me that Paris just wasn’t in the cards.
Cue my twenty-eighth birthday, which apparently is the best and most important of all the birthdays, because I received the best surprise I’ve ever received in my entire life. Exactly one month from today, we’ll be wheels up to my favorite city in the entire world AND the new home of the romantic and the hubs.
That’s right, dudes. It’s #LTfrancais time. With a whirlwind four days together, who knows how our itinerary will end up. What we do know is that there will be many baguettes devoured and plus du vin to drink.
Is my boyfriend the best, orrr is my boyfriend the best?
See ya soon, la Tour Eiffel. Oh, and you too, the romantic. OH MON DIEU, THE EXCITEMENT.
the wino

I will also be in Paris that weekend! Can we make this happen?!
Lazy Travelers
YES! available friday for drinks? xx
Lazy Travelers recently posted..travel announcement: la france!
Lance | Trips By Lance
Good for you. I don’t remember what I got for my 28th birthday, but it wasn’t this. So Paris in late November? Should be awesome.
Lance | Trips By Lance recently posted..Taos Pueblo: An Awe-Inspiring People
Lazy Travelers
saying im excited is the understatement of the century.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..travel announcement: la france!
Bespoke Traveler
Ooh la la! Enjoy the Romantic City, and might we suggest you finish that list of French movies on your to do list before the flight? 😉
Bespoke Traveler recently posted..Stats Wrangling V: The Words that Bring You Traffic
Lazy Travelers
i like the way you think!!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..travel announcement: la france!
Nicole | The Wondernuts
Oh for sure, I’d go back in a heartbeat. It’s just so darn beautiful. That’s nice of him to take you to Paris. =D
Nicole | The Wondernuts recently posted..Wednesday’s Wonder: Watermelon
Lazy Travelers
its hands down the nicest present anyone has ever given any human being ever in the history of presents. true fact.