we want to go with oh to vienna!
We’re still three weeks away from our trip to Switzerland and Ireland, and well, well, well, wouldn’t you know? We’re already thinking about what could be next. Spoiler alert: we currently have our sights set on Vienna.
We’re addicted! Lucky for us, it has come to our attention that the end of our upcoming trip coincides perfectly with Go with Oh’s Spring 2013 Blogger Contest!
Chances are, if you’ve followed The Lazy Travelers long enough, you know the Go with Oh deal. A winning blog post results in one month of traveling around Europe, staying in up to four Go with Oh apartments. All of which are conveniently placed in top cities throughout our favorite continent.
When these cities include Berlin, London, Florence, Rome, Prague, Paris, Dublin, Vienna, Barcelona, and Venice, the prompt “Where do you want to Go with Oh?” is almost unfair. However, there is one standout on the list that is currently tugging at our heartstrings:
We want to Go with Oh to Vienna!
As we type, last round’s winner, Leah, is on her European dream tour with the one and only Lola. We’ve been following along as these ladies have explored Prague and Italy, and can’t wait to see what mischief they’ll stir up in Barcelona and Paris.
Like Sherry before them, they’ve prompted us to envision our own dream month in Europe. We’ve collectively conquered most of Western Europe, but lately, our focus has been drifting east…
We want to use Vienna as our home base.
In our research, we’ve learned that the airport is a mere 25 minutes from the city center. By public transit, no less! Honestly, can they make this more convenient? Because of this, from Vienna, we could easily fly to the Czech Republic or Hungary — two places we’ve also been dying to explore. Or, better yet: we could hop on a train and make our way around the Austrian countryside. The wino can already tick a winter tour of Innsbruck and Salzburg off her list, but based on our hours of pouring over Google image searches, we’re pretty sure it’s just as stellar in the summer.
Oh look, Dan & Audrey confirmed it!
Photo Credit: Uncornered Market
We want to live like a local. For real.
As we realistically consider an entire month in Europe, there is one thing that has continually stood out to us. A major benefit of staying in your own apartment for a month is the ability to come and go as you please, without being concerned about unpacking and repacking with each destination. This is a huge plus for us, because we both clearly have a habit of severely over-packing. We could settle down for a bit and let our Oh apartment feel a little more like our Oh home-away-from-home.
But with one homebase, we’d get to practice what we preach. We’d get to know the ins & outs of our neighborhood — and more importantly, our neighbors! We’d have a regular grocery store, a regular pub (number one priority), and would be able to master the city as we explored everything Vienna has to offer.
It also doesn’t hurt that we would get to return from each daily excursion to a place that could look like any of the below:
Knowing that this is waiting for us after a daytrip will make the return to Vienna that much sweeter.
Photo credit: Oh-Vienna.com
Basically, what we’re saying is this. If we win, we pinkie promise that with a month to work with, we’d take Vienna by storm. We’re pretty sure you don’t doubt it, either.
We want to wander the MQ.
It’s ok if you don’t know what that is — we’re just practicing speaking like a local. Apparently, the MQ = the Museums Quarter and it’s been all the rage since 2001. We’ll give ourselves a tour of the five modern art museums, as well as the on-site cafe (le duh). We won’t stop here with our cultural tour of Vienna, either. We’ll pay homage to Mozart with a visit to Mozarthaus Vienna. But don’t worry, we won’t try and dust off our old piano skills. That would just be cruel.
Perhaps we’ll even take a stroll past the Hundertwasserhaus House… or maybe we’ll score a Go with Oh abode in one of their 52 apartments (is that even possible?!)?
Photo Credit: SolitaryWanderer.com
One thing is for sure: you can bet that at LEAST one of our daytrips will take us to the hills of Austria. There, we’ll picnic with wine and spin ourselves silly while singing, a la Julie Andrews.
We want to stuff ourselves silly.
Give us an afternoon exploring Vienna’s world-famous Naschmarkt and we’ll be sure to carbo-load in a way no one has ever seen before. Pretzels, schnitzels, strudels, whatever it may be be. Go ahead, dare us.
See what happened the first time the wino ventured into Austria?
We want to overcome our mutual fear of carnivals.
When you hear the words “amusement park,” does anyone else envision being trapped in a fun house with spooky carnival music playing in the distance while hobbled carnival workers leer at you at every turn?! …No, just us? Carnivals and the likes freak us out. So don’t blame us that the pictures of Prater Park are scaring the bajeezus out of us. But hey, part of traveling is overcoming fears and whatnot, so we’d give it a try. Probably. At the very least, we can be convinced to take a photo together atop the Riesenrad. Maybe. We’ll see.
Although honestly who knows, they’re just really freaking scary, ok?
Photo credit: WienerRiesenrad.com
We want to wander cobblestone streets and find the perfect cafe or place for a pint.
This is a Lazy Travelers itinerary staple, for sure, but after seeing this picture from Raul of I Live to Travel? It’s a Viennese requirement:
We could pay a visit to the famous Kaffe Alt Wien or the adorable Kleines Cafe. We could test our limits at Babu or cozy up at Barfly’s, because, based on name alone, it seems more up our alley. We could add Loo’s to our list, but really? History has taught us that the best bars are the ones you never expect to find and can’t wait to share.
What has become very clear to us after pouring over all things Vienna is that the Lazy Travelers were meant for this city.
Or maybe Vienna was meant for us? Either way, we’d love the opportunity to Go with Oh and explore all that Vienna and the surrounding area has to offer.
And the best part? If we get the chance to Go with Oh, you’d be able to follow our every move. Because you know we’d never have it any other way.
the romantic & the wino

Raul (@ilivetotravel)
Go with Go with Oh, Lazy Travelers!!! Looking forward to READING about your time in Europe!!! BTW< I think Vienna is a great base. Do NOT forget you are not far at all from charming Bratislava in Slovakia (like an hour by train). Also, Budapest not far away. Find Halstatt on western Austria, a cute little village nestled between a mountain and the lake of the same name!!
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..Interview with the Ultimate Global Explorer: Len Stanmore
Lazy Travelers
you can be our official eastern european guide, raul! thanks for the early recs–fingers, toes, and eyes are all crossed. xo!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
Allison GoWithOh
Great post! You have created a picteresque vision of Vienna, and make the Austrian city sound like an ideal home-base. Best of luck with the contest! And of course we get your Sound of Music reference 🙂
Lazy Travelers
thanks, allison! so relieved you got the reference 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
OMG, this sounds like such a GREAT idea! I will come and visit as have never been to that part of the world
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..Celebrating my blog anniversary – Win a stay at the Westin Diplomat in Florida
Lazy Travelers
duh, wouldn’t have it any other way! party at our viennese apartment, spring/summer 2013!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
Awesome post and I wish you all the best! I was just once in Vienna and it’s really such a lovely city. By the way, you are coming to Switzerland? Great!! If you need any tips, feel free to ask me 🙂
Anita recently posted..Wintervorschau – Meine Top Skigebiete
Lazy Travelers
thanks anita!! we’re so excited! would LOVE your swiss tips (and hopefully your austrian ones soon, too!)
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
I’m pretty sure you ladies will make the hills come alive wherever you go.
Go with Oh – Please pick the Lazy Travelers!!
Lazy Travelers
yeah, what this guy said! even if his motives are mostly driven by the fact that we’ll maybe let him come visit. maaaybe.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
Pola (@jettingaround)
Well, it seems like everywhere I look as of late, there’s something that tells me to go to Vienna again!! Last time I was there was, I think, when I was still in me teens. Read: pre-coffee days. I must go back.
Anyway, if you go there (with Oh that is), I’m sure you’ll have a blast!
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..Photo of the Week: Barcelona viewed from Park Güell
Lazy Travelers
soo what you’re saying is, if we go with oh, you’ll come visit us in vienna?!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
Pola (@jettingaround)
That could be arranged! 😀
Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted..My favorite travel souvenirs
You are not the only ones with a fear of carnivals. They creep me out, too. I know what you mean about your focus shifting further east in Europe. Vienna and Austria in general have always appealed to me. Hundertwasserhaus looks cool as hell, as do those Go With Oh apartments! Any of ’em have an extra bedroom (or couch or floor space) for me? 😉
Francesca recently posted..How a 3-year-old ends up with a bucket list
Lazy Travelers
le DUH francesca. consider this your official invitation to crash on our oh couch, should we win 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
The World Wanderer
This sounds like a great idea! Never been to Vienna, but I’d love to go, cough cough, so when you win, you may have a visitor. 🙂
The World Wanderer recently posted..A Surprise Adventure in the Tree Tops.
Lazy Travelers
this is quickly turning into a 2013 austrian tweet up and we are 100% ok with that.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..we want to go with oh to vienna!
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous)
At first I was like why Vienna?… but this clears it up quite nicely. And I do like the party at the pad idea… hmmm. I’ve never been to this part of the world.
stay adventurous, Craig
craig zabransky (@StayAdventurous) recently posted..Sunset Sunday – The View of the Lake at Glimmerglass Park
Lazy Travelers
austrian party party party! we’re glad we were able to help you see the light, craig. and we still think you should enter and give oh a guy’s perspective!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..a year full of thanks
Oh you got this! I wanna see you girls in a fun house. Lol. You got my vote. Ps, we’re heading there tomorrow!
Kieu recently posted..Favorite Eats in Kyoto
Lazy Travelers
ooh you’ll have to scope out all the best places for us!! and then plan to come visit again if we win.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the romantic’s year full of thanks
Traveling Ted
I am not sure Europe could handle another dose of crazy female travelers, but if they could, I hope it is the lazy travelers. Hey, that has a nice rhythm to it. Good luck!
Traveling Ted recently posted..Discovering Rock Cut State Park and Lowden State Park
Lazy Travelers
i mean, we’ll take support in all forms, ted.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the wino’s year full of thanks
Leah Travels (@L_e_a_h)
I’m in love with this idea, especially since I’m dragging a ton of luggage around Europe as I type this. Good luck, ladies!
Leah Travels (@L_e_a_h) recently posted..Three Things I’ll Miss about Prague
Lazy Travelers
yeah, we’re just not sure if we can convince the hubs to tag along for the sole purpose of carrying our luggage, you know?
Lazy Travelers recently posted..the wino’s year full of thanks
Julie Sheridan
Wow, I hadn’t considered Vienna before, but you make it sound very appealing! Main reason I’d go would be to see the white stallions dance in the Spanish Riding School. My parents went last year and said it was amazing.
Lazy Travelers
ooh the spanish riding school does look really awesome. hopefully we’ll get to check it out in person!
Lazy Travelers recently posted..life update
Hi girls!
Congratulations on winning a stay in Vienna (my hometown)! Let me know when you are in town (Twitter: @thenadwork) and we could go for a drink. I always love to meet fellow travel bloggers 🙂
Lazy Travelers
thanks nadine! xo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..rtw rookie: doing your homework