we’re having a heat wave, a horrible, urban heatwave
Yes, we’re having a heatwave. No, not a tropical heatwave. An URBAN heatwave, which, in case you’re wondering, is the worst kind of heatwave.
We love when friends and families come see us in our respective homes. Unfortunately, we cannot tell a lie. June through August in NYC and DC are not the ideal months to visit. Both citites are sweltering. Public transit is full of sweaty, stinky people. And despite it all, tourist numbers are way up, making everyone agitated and confused.
Though we like to focus our summers on beach vacations vs. city exploration, we’re no strangers to weather discomfort disrupting our plans.
Lucky for you, we also know how to cope.
Prepare yourself // Like packing a trendy scarf for each day you’re in Paris and wine for a picnic, you need to take a look at what the weather is going to be like and go in with the proper and necessary supplies. Going to Ireland? Pack an umbrella, a rain jacket, and a cute pair of wellies. We can all take advantage of how stylish rain boots are these days–the romantic stomps puddles in her black Hunters and the wino pledges her allegiance to the Tory Burch variety, always.
Bonus? If in Ireland you decide to go horseback riding, you’ll have your own stylish pair of boots to sport! This is helpful, because then they can force you to wear their back-up options, which may be unfortunate for a variety of reasons.
Pre-ride with Dingle Horseriding and still so stylish, no?
Play indoors // We know, we know–we prefer the outdoors too. But a weather catastrophe, like pouring rain or sweltering heat, doesn’t have to be…well, a catastrophe. Keep a few indoor plans–like museum hopping or indoor tours–in your back pocket for days like these. If all else fails, run to the nearest pub/cafe/covered awning and make the most of your situation. AKA: drink.
Acceptable indoor activity in Amsterdam? Cheese (and wine) tasting at Reypenaer.
Embrace it // In August 2011, New York City braced itself to be ravaged by Hurricane Irene. Instead of fleeing the city, we stocked up on junk food, beer, and pajamas and locked ourselves inside for three days with friends. Making the most out of crappy weather is easy when you’re with friends. Or the random people you met in your hostel bar.
We don’t have a picture from said Irene weekend because we were drunk and in our pjs for 72 hours straight. Which leads us to…
Accept that extreme weather conditions will make you look ridiculous // This is difficult, we know. But honestly, you can pull on your cute rain boots and button up your trenchcoat, and you will still look like a windblown nutjob in a matter of seconds of opening that door. Oh, it’s sweltering hot? Cute sundress, why is your face so shiny? These are just the facts of life and it’s better for you to accept it now than try and fight with style while traveling. The one slight exemption is that pretty much everyone looks adorable in the snow… but no one looks cute once they return indoors. Accept. It.
We’ve all been there. (Credit: Friends – The One In Barbados)
P.S. We’ll respect you more if you get the above reference.
Free your inner lazy traveler // Among the many perks of not planning every single second of your vacation is one very important point: you can’t be let down if plans change. Be it a fellow traveler or an act of god, if you don’t leave yourself some wiggle room, you’ll just find yourself frustrated when something gets bumped from your schedule. Take it in stride, accept that there’s nothing you can do, and move onto plan B.
the romantic & the wino

That Friends episode was just on today!
the lazy travelers
hahaha perfect timing!! it’s pretty much our lives.
Travel Freak (@FreakOutOfTown)
No, I respect YOU more for incorporating Friends into a post! You guys are really setting the bar high here.
the lazy travelers
i mean, we can’t talk about crazy humidity and NOT mention monica’s fro, right?!
Leah Walker Puckett Ŧ
Much respect for the Tory Burch and Hunter references.
the lazy travelers
necessities for preppy travelers, everywhere.
Love the horse/boots pic!!!!
the lazy travelers
it’s one of our favorites!
Tawny- Captain and Clark
Great advice! Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Kudos for incorporating Friends! (Also- love the boots in the horse-riding picture!)
the lazy travelers
since you can’t control the weather, you can’t let it ruin your vacation!
Yes, staying indoors and hanging out with friends is a great way to ride the storm! And that Friends show was hilarious!
the lazy travelers
the weekend of irene ended up being one of our favorites in new york, only because it was so ridiculous.
WINO i need those boots for my Euro adventure with Leah in the fall. i’m not joking.
anyhow…oh boy – do i remember those sweaty summer days in NYC when i lived there. i actually loved summertime in the city. you had the place to yourself & could get in anywhere and everywhere. the cocktails never tasted so good 🙂
the lazy travelers
tory burch! they’re from a few seasons ago but i’m sure you can find something similar!
a little maxed out on summer in the city already, but a few beachy weekends away should bring us back to reality 🙂
Jetting Around (@jettingaround)
Haha, I just recently re-watched that Friends episode!
Good advice. Chicago gets really hot and humid in the summer and the humidity is the hardest. But good thing we have the lake. 🙂
the lazy travelers
the humidity makes it soo much worse.
The World Wanderer
City heat is the WORST heat! But, you’re right it’s always important to be prepared, or just accept it.
That’s one of my favorite Friends episodes…also, it’s how I looked last summer in SouthEast Asia. No hair product, mine or anything I bought, was a match for my frizz, so I just kept it up and dealt with it. I’m assuming I’ll be dealing with the same during my four weeks in Africa, though I will attempt be be prepared. 🙂
Great post, and so true!
Jetting Around (@jettingaround)
When in San Francisco recently, I gave up on styling my hair. There was absolutely no point wasting time… 🙂
the lazy travelers
oh yes, we are well acquainted with the over-frizzed look. pretty much our entire lives from age 12-now.
The World Wanderer
Hahaha, spot on. Started at age 12, but when oh when will it end?!?!
LOL, of course I recognise Monica when they went to a fake tropical location for a conference 😉 luckily, I suffer only a bit from that issue.
I like going to NYC all year round – and have very fond memories of complaining about the bitter humidity in the summer. The plus was, of course, you “had” to go for drinks after work at Bryant Park and PS1 on saturdays… can I come for a weekend?
the lazy travelers
it’s true, the heat is the perfect excuse for a drink. and yes, come for a weekend!!
D.J. - The World of Deej
Just spent two days at an awesome resort, in the pouring rain. I hadn’t swam in a pool while raining since I was a kid…forgot how fun it can be:)
the lazy travelers
that happened to us last summer! the best.
Love that you’ve been to Ireland and yes – the boots really are fab:) Hahah yes I too can relate to Monica in Friends – my hair + humidy do not mix at all :/
the lazy travelers
we love hearing that everyone is the same humidity-induced frizzhead boat as we are!
OMG I can’t even think about a heat wave, as we’re expecting 100 degrees here this week! I don’t do well in the heat, unless of course a pool and frozen alcoholic beverages are involved. Anyway, valuable advice here about being flexible when traveling, having back-up plans, and just accepting the situation.
the lazy travelers
samesies–all things in life can be cured by a pool and a frozen alcoholic beverage, no?
I feel your frizzy pain.. Last summer I tried to tame my wild mane in DC, NYC, and NOLA. Good thing top knots were in 🙂
I’m desperate to find those boots in the adorable horse pic for my Paris trip next fall.. Snow + Cold + a girl from California = a need for fashionable, warm, and comfy boots. Help!
the lazy travelers
oh god, none of those cities can be good for frizz! and the boots are tory burch from a few seasons ago… not sure if she still makes them but godspeed in your hunt!
Great tips! I’ve always wanted to have a hurricane party, but the only hurricanes I’ve ever been close to were in New Orleans and that’s the last place I’d want to take any chances!
the lazy travelers
yeah, we would probs avoid hurricane parties in new orleans… but it was hard to take too seriously in manhattan!