who needs europe!
I know thou shall not covet thy neighbor and all of that, but it doesn’t really seem fair that the romantic is on a ten-day European excursion and I’m…well, not. Is it so wrong to feel a tiny pang of jealousy reading her twitter updates from the airport? I’m only human!
But HEY, its October! The best month of the year and the perfect time to travel the East Coast of the United States. I’ve decided that instead of spending the next ten days sulking, I’m going to grab the bull by the horns and make my own adventures! And so, I’ll be heading south and spending this weekend in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania- the mushroom capitol of the world.
…Seriously, that’s true.
It’s also home to an annual beer festival, which is the real reason I’m going. A few of my best friends. 74 brewers from around the country. One happy wino.
When life hands you lemons, cut them up and put them in your beer.
Happy weekending, no matter where you spend it!
the wino