wight twixtmas: winter on the isle of wight, part 1
Before moving to London, I had never heard the word “Twixtmas.” Apparently, it’s a British nickname for the days between Christmas & New Year’s, and it’s very popular, especially for Londoners, to figure out (/mildly stress over) where and how to wile these days away.
Luckily for us, our plans fell into our laps, well before we even knew that Twixtmas was a thing! We were on the hunt for a pug-friendly destination somewhere in the UK. Then, lo and behold, an invitation to explore the Isle of Wight came through. We briefly researched the island’s level of dog friendliness. That sold us immediately. In all of the bug’s travels — even in France where they prefer dogs to people — we’ve never felt so welcome!
To be completely honest, up until our trip, I didn’t know too much about the Isle of Wight. Guernsey has long been on the LT dream list. I’ve heard great things about Jersey! But the Isle of Wight? It just sounded like a quaint summer getaway that I couldn’t fully envision. WELP, now I can and I want to move there and become a fishwife and live happily ever after.
The Isle of Wight: DAY ONE
The Wightlink // We woke up bright and early to nab a rental car from the Christmas hell that is Westfield Shopping Mall (and the rental agency shall not be named but it rhymes with Shmavis AND I HATE THEM), and zipped off through the London traffic to the ferry — genuinely fearing we weren’t going to make our reserved time, due to Shmavis’s complete ineptitude. Can you tell we started off on a good foot? I had immediate concerns that this was going to be Scotland: The Islandy Redux, but Jeff told me to go to sleep until we got to Portsmouth, and all was right upon arrival.
As mentioned, because we treat our pug like a dog/human crossbreed, he was with us on this adventure. In the event dogs were merely tolerated on the Wightlink, we had our usual concerns about keeping him covered & quiet so as not to draw attention to his smushy self. That quickly proved to be a very unnecessary concern.
We parked our car on the ground (sea?) floor of the car ferry and exited avec le backpack pug. Then, we noticed… pretty much everyone else exiting their own cars had at LEAST one dog with them. All on leash, none in carriers! Plus, even in late December, the ferry was packed! We walked up to one of the higher floors and parked ourselves in front of a huge window. With coffee in our hands and pups on all sides, we watched Portsmouth drift further and further away.
There are three dogs in this photo alone. Three.
Seriously, the ride wasn’t that long, and I was… genuinely disappointed when it was over? I went to undergrad on Staten Island. I am DEF not used to the feeling of wishing a ferry ride would last forever and ever. It was jarring and amazing and I want to take the Wightlink everyday.
Carisbrooke Castle // A gurgly announcement told us we would be docking soon, and that drivers should head to their cars. We got lucky with a spot right up front, so we were on our way very quickly. With a few hours in the itins to explore Carisbrooke Castle, we were happy to drive about 25 minutes inland to find it shining atop a hill. As the sun was slowly beginning her descent, we made our way inside.
We spent the next hour and a half wandering the grounds where Charles I was once imprisoned, and trying to decide if we’d rather live in an English manor or a French chateau. Will let you know my official ruling, I still can’t decide.
It was freezing and beautiful and straight out of a fairytale (though I could have done without the donkey demo… they’re well loved and seemingly well treated, but, you know. Work animals for funsies, not my jam.) By the time we left, golden hour was in full swing. We were on our way to our hotel as the sun officially began to set.
The Seaview Hotel // We arrived at the Seaview Hotel — a small inn named for its town and general proximity to the water, but not its actual views, as none of the rooms technically overlook the sea. This confused me at first. It definitely didn’t take away from the experience, though! Plus, you get an eyeful of sea each time you walk out the front gate. It’s not like it’s hiding.
The inn is the epitome of quaint, though it could use an update — I get the feeling they don’t struggle for guests due to the perfect location, but our room felt a bit tired. However, they noted a planned refurb on the tour of our two bedroom flat. It sounds like it’s in the works!
Along with adorable nautical decor you would expect in such a hotel, there was also a bag of dog treats ready and waiting for Parker, so what more can you ask for??
This was a completely unnecessary luxury that I would like incorporated into all future showers, please and thank you.
After unpacking a bit, we popped into the Seaview Hotel bar for a taste of their famous crab ramekin. Even if you’re not staying in the actual hotel, this is a very worthy stop. Plus, pug got to lounge by a small wood stove while we sipped our pints, so, success.
Also! At the time of writing this, the Seaview is offering a special 2-night winter break package for 2, including dinners and return ferry, for £350, so hop on that. If there’s one lesson here (aside from the dog loving lesson), it’s that the Isle of Wight is not just a summer destination. But I mean, I’m obviously already dying for a summer seaside return.
Three Buoys // Had it been summer, we would have walked the easy stroll along the sea and up the flight of stairs to this waterfront restaurant. Because it was the decidedly the opposite of summer, we opted for a slightly confusing drive around some winding one-way streets. Once we arrived, we found a warm and cozy restaurant. It was still decorated for Christmas, with a little nook in the corner, ready and waiting for us.
I’ll get to our meal in a separate post, which is a sign of how much we loved it here.
And that’s a wrap on day one on the Isle of Wight! Though I was smitten after our first 18 hours, day two was when I decided I was never leaving.
I mean, spoiler alert, I left. But I WILL return.
the romantic
– We were guests of Tourism South East and Visit Isle of Wight, but, as always, all opinions are my own. It’s hard not to genuinely love a place with such warm and welcoming people, amazing food, and a serious love for dogs, you know?

OMG this sounds VERY exciting!! I know you loved the trip and I CANNOT wait to read more. So much to see in the UK.. and Parker is a rock star. He really is.
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..My hOtel: Four Seasons Istanbul at Sultanahmet, Turkey
Lazy Travelers
i think you’ll like the next day even more 😉 i seriously loved it and hope to go back again once it warms up!
…pug probably does too, but mostly for the biscuits.
Lazy Travelers recently posted..wight twixtmas: a winter escape to the isle of wight, part 1
Mary Anne Been
What a fun trip. The Inn looks so cute and I love that they are dog friendly.
Lazy Travelers
we hate leaving him for our big trips, so it makes a big difference when we can take him along on our local ones 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..foodie break: three buoys, isle of wight
kathy lefever
Love your blogs. they are usually fowarded to me by Kevin Chalmers(fellow co worker) and I lve them. Keep them coming.
Lazy Travelers
thank you! we will 🙂 xo
Lazy Travelers recently posted..foodie break: three buoys, isle of wight
Natalie @ In Natalie's Shoes
OMG this sounds like a dream. I’m thinking I just need to add all of the locations you guys visit to a master list and start adventuring!
Natalie @ In Natalie’s Shoes recently posted..Friday Five
Lazy Travelers
it’s really easy to get to from london! keep it on the list for your next hop across the pond 🙂
Lazy Travelers recently posted..no travel required
Becky Padmore
I can’t believe I live in the UK and still haven’t visited the Isle of Wight! I think I need to change that soon!
Lazy Travelers
yes, you definitely do! it’s a surprisingly easy drive from london to portsmouth. especially if you’re the passenger 😉
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